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The last three weeks working for the Bangtan Bomb have been intense. Rigorous hours and Jungkook has spent more time than he ever intended with Taehyung after work hours. 

Though he wasn't necessarily complaining he was in desperate need of a day off, which Taehyung granted yesterday. He thoroughly enjoyed the break and Taehyung even gave him the morning off today as well.  

It's roughly 11 a.m. whenever he finally strolls his way into the office. 

Immediately being met with Dahyun the moment he walks in. "Mr. Jeon, thank God!!" she grabs onto his arm and is dragging him towards the conference room--nearly spilling the drink in his hand. 

"Hey, hey, what's up--I just got here, I need to check in with the boss" he stops and she rolls her eyes 

"Yeah, you need to check in on him alright. He's currently doing a mass firing of the editing department." she shakes her head, shoving Jungkook towards the door where he can hear Taehyung's voice booming. 

"Good luck, go save their asses--we don't have time to replace an entire department." she rushes off and Jungkook groans because this is not what he wanted to deal with today. 

Wonders what kind of mess these idiots did to warrant Taehyung deciding to mass fire them all. Sticks his ear to the door to listen and after the third "fuck" and fifth "replaceable" he decided he had heard enough. Swinging the door open, still clutching onto Taehyung's drink. 

He quite literally heard the sigh of relief come over the room when he walked in and Taehyung started yelling about who was interrupting before he looked up and saw Jungkook's eye brows raised. 

"Jung--Mr. Jeon. I told you, you didn't need to be in until noon." he coughed, making his way towards him. 

"I'll be right back, noone move your asses or you won't get any severance pay." 

He follows Jungkook out into the hallway with an exhausted expression on his face, "Somehow, an article was posted about the President's recent announcement regarding military service and someone must've been funny while writing the article because the sentence must be nice to sit in a big office on your ass, demanding the young ones do the tough work made it into print." 

Jungkook's eyes are comically wide and he's trying so hard not to laugh. 

"Spent every last won I had in my wallet at the stores nearby to collect every copy. Un-fucking-believeable. The magazines go through THREE layers of approval. THREE. A blunder like this should never have made it and I'm never gonna hear the end of this." 

His voice is raising and his face is red from anger, any humor Jungkook found in the situation is gone immediately when he takes notice of how stressed Taehyung is over this. 

He puts the sugary beverage in the man's hands with a small smile, "It was a mistake. We can blame it on some young reporter trying to be a smart-ass. We got them taken off the shelves. It could've been way worse. You handled it perfectly, Taehyung." 

Stepping behind him, he immediately begins massaging his shoulders and smiles to himself when he feels Taehyung relax in his hold. "I'm supposed to be firing them all" he hears Taehyung mumble, long fingers reaching Jungkook's hand to guide him to the pressure point. 

"Then what would you do about next weeks issue, hmm?" Jungkook asks, voice low and soft. Thinks he hears Taehyung choke a little bit on his drink. 

"I-I, I should at least fire the person who wrote the article." he huffs, but Jungkook turns him around. Eye to eye and shakes his head, "You really wanna start the week by firing someone? C'mon. You haven't fired anyone in a month. Let's keep up the positive streak." He smiles, pinches Taehyung's cheeks and earns a scowl from the man. 

"I'm still your boss y'know. Just because you give good massages, doesn't mean you can go around pinching cheeks and what not" 

"Awwww come on, but when you pout they look like little bread loaves" he coos, bringing both hands to Taehyung's cheeks and earning a snicker from the young girl who passed by them in the hallway. 

The bread cheeks in Jungkook's hold heat up and turn bright pink as Taehyung shoves him away, "mention another word about my cheeks and you'll be the one who get's fired." 

Jungkook just nods, watches Taehyung go into the conference room. Stays leaned against the wall for another 7 minutes, smiling when he sees all employees leaving. Relieved expressions on their faces and many of them mouth thank you to him silently as they pass. 

Once the room is empty he goes in, closing the door behind him. 

"Doesn't it feel better to not fire anyone, Taehyungie?" he asks and chuckles when the man is pouting again. 

Wonders how he ever pictured Taehyung as intimidating when all that he is, is a big softy. 

"Something even remotely similar to this happens again and they're all fired and so are you for not letting me fire them the first time" 

"Hey, since when do I control what you do?" he teases, winking at Taehyung who groans in frustration. 

"I want Jimin back" he deadpans, Jungkook pretends to be hurt as he takes the seat right next to Taehyung. Doesn't believe him for a second. 

"You sure? I can tell Jimin-ssi that I need to be replaced. Or maybe I'll quit all together? I mean. If I'm not meeting your needs here than certainly, you can find someone better suited for the position." It's teasing the way he asks, and painful for Taehyung how Jungkook's voice drops a couple octaves as he speaks the words. 

"I guess, you're alright." he mumbles, "um, do you wanna.. grab lunch with me?" Taehyung asks 

Jungkook smirks in response, "You asking me on a date, Tae?" 

"Yah! No, just a boss/assistant outing. That's a normal thing to do on lunch." 

Jungkook smiles, "Hmm...why don't we do dinner then?"

Taehyung questions him for a minute than his face shows the amount of shock he is feeling, "w-what? Dinner? Wh-"

"That way.. it could be a date. If you wanted it to." he speaks right next to Taehyung's ear, before standing up and turning away "Gotta go get your reports from Joon-hyung, see you later." 

Taehyung is left in utter disbelief as he watches Jungkook leave the room. Starts to wonder why he ever made that stupid rule about no office relationships in the first place. 

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