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"oh my god, what did you do?" Jimin gasps when he enters Taehyung's office two days later. 

Taehyung glares at him from over the top of his computer monitor, "what are you on about now?" 

"You fired Jungkook?!" 

Taehyung's lips jut out for a split moment before he's clearing his throat, "I didn't fire him, I simply let him go. Offered him a severance package and all." 

"Does he know that you initiated this separation?" Jimin clicks his tongue in disbelief "what did he do to make you let him go anyways?!" 

Taehyung looked away and Jimin noticed the pink color appearing on his cheeks, "you like him?! you're firing him because you have a fucking crush on him?!" 

"NO! That's not why! I just don't think he's a good fit." arms are crossed and his phone is ringing when Dahyun enters, slowly 

"What's up Day?" 

"Um, I just had some files for Mr. Jeon to look over but he isn't in his offi--"

"Mr. Jeon doesn't work here anymore." he bites out harshly and her eyes widen 

"O-Oh, I didn't realize..then um here Mr. Kim..." she hands over the weeks issue for the first revision

"Why are you giving this to me already? You don't normally give me this to revise until Thursday?" his face reflects confusion and she's about to speak up when the door opens again and in walks a smirking Jungkook with two to-go cups in hand. 

"Morning Jimin-ah, Morning Day, mind if I have a moment with Taehyungie please?" his voice is a little too sweet for someone who just lost their job, Taehyung thinks. 

and he gulps heavily the moment the door is closed and it's just them two in the room. 

"A severance package? Really Tae?" scoffs as he places the cup in front of Taehyung 

"Why are you here?" 

"Because I'm your damn assistant and I'm not accepting your severance package." 


"No, Taehyung. Damn it, I like this job alright? It's not even about the money. I just enjoy it. I enjoy working here and with you. I also know, for a fact, that you're going to go back to being a menace if I were to accept it." 

"Hey--I'm no"

"I'm not done" Jungkook interrupts, walks over to the other side of Taehyung's desk and pulls him from his chair, catching the other entirely by surprise when there's a hand holding his lower back and they're standing chest to chest "if you didn't like the kiss, it's okay. I'm not going to be hurt, I'm a big boy. At the end of the day, I like you--as you. So it won't happen again if you don't want it, alright? But don't make me leave this job. Not when we work so well together." 

It's hard for Taehyung to think about anything other than the kiss when standing this close, Jungkook's lips millimeters away from his own and he can feel the warmth of his breath as he speaks, "it's not that.." he says quietly looking into Jungkook's eyes that are sincere. 

"Then what is it, why would you ask me to leave?" a hand rises to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear and rests on the back of his neck 

"I'm embarrassed." he looks away, hand reaching to move Jungkook's from holding his face and gasps when the other intertwines their fingers instead. 

"Embarrassed of what?" 

"Embarrassed of you seeing my temper all of the time, okay? I'm irrational and a hot head and I know that. I know that it's impossible to deal with and ridiculous and noone would want to be associated with someone who yells at their employees constantly and tears a part an office filled of things just because they're angry." he looks away because he doesn't want to see Jungkook's expression. 

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