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and progress indeed it was.

As the weeks pass and Jungkook's presence in the office and Taehyung's life becomes far too necessary--Taehyung has to take a step back.

He honestly didn't even notice himself until this morning when Jimin was in his office at the same time as Jungkook entered with his coffee.

"Taehyungie, I didn't get you the extra creamer this time."

Taehyung pouted and Jungkook laughed, "C'mon..you're too reliant on the additional sugar. I promise it's still just as sweet, hmm?"

He takes a sip of the drink and deems it okay enough to endure. Waves Jungkook out of the door blushing whenever he winks at him with puckered lips.

"Holy fucking shit" Jimin breathed out through laughter "You are wrapped so tightly around that man's finger, it's unbelieveable"

"Yah! What are you on about?! It's just coffee."

"Kim Taehyung you once nearly fired ME because I didn't order it exactly as you asked for and I'm your fucking soul mate." Jimin crosses his arms with a raised brow "and if the way he walked in here and right back out with that smug ass smile on his face is anything to go by, Mr. Jeon knows exactly how tight he has you wrapped."

"I am not wrapped around his finger. Not even a little. He does everything for me."

"Oh I know, like telling you what employees to yell at and when to calm your shit? You're right he does do everything for you--even tells you how to speak." it's teasing, really Jimin finds it so cute how Taehyung is a love-sick fool over Jungkook.

However, his words don't sit well for Taehyung. They sting. It reminds him of the last one and sends a bad feeling down his throat.


"Taehyung--" he stops when he enters the office and finds it empty. It's strange for Taehyung to not be in there at around 3 p.m.

He walks in anyway and is about to sit in Taehyung's chair just to piss him off when he sees the note

Left early for the day. Feel free to leave as well. See you tomorrow.


Now Jungkook doesn't feel like Taehyung owes him anything, of course not but with as close as they've gotten. It's unusual for them to not leave the building together, normally lingering in the parking lot longer than necessary.

He was quite busy working on the upcoming schedules for the field reporters today so he didn't spend as much time as he otherwise would with Taehyung...he can't help but wonder if something's wrong and it's crazy how desperate he is to find out.

But of course, a day like today is one where he has a class to teach immediately after work.


It's nearly midnight when he's finally leaving the BigHit building and he can't help but dial Taehyung's number.

A grumbled out "hello" makes him sigh in relief that Taehyung picked up

"Ah, sorry for waking you. I was worried, why did you leave early today?"

There's a brief pause before Taehyung makes a noise and Jungkook can picture the way he stretches his arms behind his head, "Just needed to get out of there, I dunno..."

Coffees and Confessions - Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now