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He isn't normally like this. No, Jeon Jungkook has never been the type to daydream. Yet here he is in the midst of his usual choreo session with BigHit's latest rookies and he can't focus. Every thought swirling in his brain is clouded. 

Clouded by Kim Taehyung, and it's infuriating. Infuriating because as much fun as Jungkook has been having teasing and playing around with his boss that's all that it is... teasing..fun. 

So why can't he get the man out of his mind? Coincidentally, just whenever he needs a distraction is whenever she makes an appearance--fucking, fantastic. Except this distraction?? is much worse than the thoughts he already had. 

"Awww bun, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Jia coos as she enters the dance space. All of the rookies immediately stopping and clearing out. 

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in America somewhere?" he rolls his eyes, making over towards his bag when he hears foot steps behind him and a soft hand on his neck. 

"C'mon, don't act like you haven't missed me. What's it been almost two years? I've missed you, bun" she winks and he feels shivers take over his body but not the good kind. The kind that make your skin crawl and itch and you desperately feel the need to shower. 

"Honestly, I liked you much better over there, then I'm not forced to remember what a raging bitch you are." he removes her hands from his shoulders and steps away, pulling out his phone as she continues telling him all kinds of things he doesn't care about.

Having stopped listening the moment he picked up his phone, he didn't hear her mention her new job. Far too busy in his phone, because Taehyung texted him. 

Asking for him. 

In the office. 

At 7 p.m. on a Thursday night. 

"Sorry, Jia. Gotta go, see ya around I guess" he shrugs and hurries to his car. 


Taehyung is a mess, an absolute cluster fuck of all things messy--okay, maybe that's an exaggeration but that's how he feels right now. Twirling in his office chair, having asked Jungkook to visit. Why? Doesn't have a damn clue. 

No good reason for doing so, wasn't expecting him to say yes but he did. He's on his way and now? Taehyung is sure to make an absolute fool of himself. He hears a few knocks on the door and knows the only other person present in the building wouldn't knock so he straightens up. 

"Good evening Taehyungie" Jungkook squeaks playfully and Taehyung already regrets his decision. 

"So this is a thing now I guess?" the man smirks and Jungkook shrugs "What do you need boss? Some late night reporting or a late night coffee run?" 

Taehyung sits for a second, "how about some late night company?? I know, I'm sorry it was weird of me to ask but I have to finish these revisions for the special edition that drops Monday morning and normally Jimin would stay to keep me from being alone here late at night bu--" stops his rambling when he feels Jungkook slide a chair up next to his. 

"Y'don't gotta explain yourself, my class finished up anyway. Let's get it! What are we revising?" he smiles and Taehyung thinks maybe, just maybe, he won't be such a horrible assistant after all. 


Surprisingly enough to both of them, the hours flew by quite easily. The revisions took all of two hours if that yet here they are, nearly 5 hours later in the midst of a very intense discussion over the upcoming season of Boku No Hero. 

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