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When Taehyung arrives at the restaurant they agreed on for dinner, he wasn't sure what he expected. Really. 

Didn't know if Jungkook would be early or late. Dressed business or casual. Is it a date or not? 

No. It's not, it can't be. Because no office relationships. He's really kicking himself for that one and then he see's Jungkook leaned up against the brick outside the restaurant and he's really kicking himself. 

If office Jungkook in his fitted button ups and round glasses, drives Taehyung crazy...then casual Jungkook in his baggy shirts and fluffy hair, drives Taehyung absolutely mad. 

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"Was starting to think you stood me up, Taehyungie" he smirked as the man walked up

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"Was starting to think you stood me up, Taehyungie" he smirked as the man walked up. 

"That'd be kind of horrible of me to stand up my assistant for dinner don't you think?" he coughs, eyes averting from Jungkook's as they enter.

They talk about work and the upcoming weeks schedule. Jungkook tells Taehyung how he spent his day off and also how the employees basically think he has a magical wand that he waves over Taehyung to make him nice again. 

Even if Jungkook only told him, to see his reaction--he doesn't need to know that. What he does need to know though, is that this? Is definitely a date. 

Jungkook loves to fluster Taehyung. Starts an innocent game of footsies. It's just a tap at first, then he's legitimately stroking Taehyung's calf and ankle with the toe of his foot and watches Taehyung struggle to complete his sentence.

"Could you stop that?!" 

"Stop what?"

"You know what!!" 

"Aish, you're so hard to please. I guess modern flirting doesn't work on big boss type men" Jungkook huffs looking away, but catches Taehyung's blush in his peripherals. 

"Why are you so bold today, huh?! What are you after?!" Taehyung whisper shouts and Jungkook leans forward, let's his fingers fiddle with the thin silver rings adorning Taehyung's index.

"Maybe spending a day away from the office and spending the majority of it thinking about you, opened my eyes to things--is that so bad?" he winks and is pretty sure he watched any life Taehyung had drain from his body. 

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