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an: plot, what plot?


"fuck..fuck yes—" Taehyung grits through his teeth, Jungkook insisted on riding him. It wasn't intended to be this way, but the day was horrible and Taehyung was stressed and Jungkook? is fucking horny.

Hips moving sinfully well as he fucks himself on Taehyung's cock, doesn't slow down for a second. Not until Taehyung's biting on his shoulder to hold down his moans.

"god—" he whines, head pulling back when Taehyung's parted mouth trails up the column of his neck "could sit on your dick all night. seriously Tae.. shit"

but Taehyung is about to lose it, hold tight on Jungkook as he thrusts into him harshly.. so harsh he hears a hiccup and the heat in his stomach is begging for him to make that happen again.

doesn't stop, bucks his hips and fucks into Jungkook until his eyes are watery and he's practically gasping for air as he comes.

makes a mess of their shirts but neither of them mind, Taehyung gets so lost with Jeongguk's mouth against his own.

A slow roll of his hips as he rides out his own orgasm, fucks his tongue into Jungkook's mouth with a skill of it's own.

has never been one to love saliva but there's something so sexy about the dribble that slides down Jungkook's chin once they part.

"I love you" he laughs, breathless "so damn much"

Jungkook's eyes glisten, smile bright and stretching up to his eyes when he kisses Taehyung slowly. Climbs out of his lap with a wince "love you too" is quiet.

And Taehyung promised himself he wasn't gonna do this again. He swore he would be able to control himself but he and Jungkook have been spending almost every single night together and his visceral desire for the man is relentless.

They agreed to shower separately. That was the plan, but Taehyung went first and Jungkook is cheeky. Cheeky when he peaks in the curtain to smack Taehyung's ass. but the grasp is a little too firm and too slow to be a real smack.

It's a grab, a hand full of Taehyung's ass that has Jungkook about to lose his fucking mind because damn he's so flawless. Taehyung's eyes are dark when Jungkook's linger. Eyes rake over Taehyung's entire form that's dripping in liquid and soap suds.

Within seconds Jungkook's clothes are in a pile on the floor and he has Taehyung pressed to the tile of the shower. Cool against his back but Taehyung's entire body is hot. Burning with the need to feel Jungkook close.

closer, closer and when the man drops to his knees to lick a stripe across Taehyung's ass he squirms and almost whimpers. because they've had a lot of sex but the last week has been more blow jobs and riding than anything else.

and heaven does Jungkook know how to work his tongue. Licking and sucking perfectly and has Taehyung's already weak knees about to buckle. Cock painfully hard and over sensitive when he pulls away and slides the tip of his own cock in.

There's a desperation in the way his hands hold onto Taehyung's waist, fucking him just right. Salacious in everything about his motions. Knows exactly how to make him scream. Moan and writhe under his touch to the point of no return.

Finds himself never wanting to leave, breath heavy in Taehyung's ear "so fucking tight..don't know what to do with myself"

Taehyung scoffs, the sexy kind of scoff he does when he doesn't know what to say. In utter disbelief that Jungkook gets such a rise out of taking his cock and fucking him senseless. Wonders how the hell he got so lucky, truly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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