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w// nsfw, (not a full smut but yeah)

They ride back to Taehyung's home in a comfortable silence. Jungkook drumming his fingers on Taehyung's thigh while the other drove.

Only the soft sounds of the radio fills the space between them but both feel more at ease than they've felt in days.

and it's only a few seconds inside the door that Taehyung grabs onto Jungkook pulling him close and pressing their lips together.

His breath is hot and heavy against Jungkook's mouth and he can barely catch his own breath with the way Taehyung pushes against him.

Not stopping until his back hits the wall and their hands explore. Explore more than they've willed themselves to explore thus far.

"Kookie—" Taehyung goes to speak but can't resist the urge to capture his lips again "I'm so stupid, don't let me be stupid anymore" he whispers, almost whimpering when Jungkook's hand cups the back of his neck.

Allowing his head to tilt just enough to lick into Taehyung's mouth better, reveling in the feeling of the other all over him.

"we were stupid" Jungkook responds, hands grasping onto Taehyung bruisingly "let's not be stupid anymore, think I'll go crazy if I have to go through that again" the words feel too real.

Too vulnerable, too emotional—yet they both feel it, it's undeniable the way they've grown so attached.

Jungkook groans when he slides one of his thighs between Taehyung's legs..only wanting a better position but hell he wasn't expecting Taehyung to grind against it.

Mouthing at Jungkook's shoulder and hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt all while riding his thigh and driving the man mad.

"Tae—babe—" he starts as the other succeeds in pulling his shirt off, furrows his brows when Taehyung pulls away.

Bottom lip already about to jut outwards "m'sorry, I got carried away—" he goes to turn but Jungkook's fingers barely hook inside the waistband of his pants, yanking him back and lining their bodies flush.

Hands resting on Taehyung's hips as he feels the way his ass curves against his front, "all I wanted was to take you to bed love" his teeth catch onto Taehyung's earlobe then walking him forward down the hall as he continues nipping at his neck.

He doesn't stop until Taehyung is sitting at the edge of the bed, legs sprawled and eyes wide..hesitant..eager and Jungkook is eager too.

Has been eager since the first time he laid eyes on Kim Taehyung to get on his knees and suck him dry. That feeling amplified times 1,000 with the emotions in his heart.

Jungkook smirks when he hears Taehyung's breath hitch with him pulling down his pants, leaving sloppy kisses to his inner thigh.

He mouths at the head of Taehyung's hard cock playfully, feeling proud at just how aroused he's already managed to make Taehyung.

Sticks out his tongue just barely to let it trail along his length, lapping all the way around the thick cock and back up the head before he sinks his entire mouth down on it.

In awe by in the moans leaving Taehyung's mouth—he sounds so fucking hot. Can't help himself as he hollows out his cheeks, doing his best to take in as much of it as he can but finds himself already about to choke.

He doesn't stop though, definitely not when one of Taehyung's hands grasp into his hair and grip tight, guiding his head to bob up and down slowly.

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