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the two men burst into fits of laughter at their own antics, "does Tae have you doing any running today?"

"No, he has a few meetings with Namjoon and some people from BigHit but I'm just here. Why what's up?" he raises a brow at the mischievous smirk on Jimin's face

"Come with me, there's someone who needs to be paid a visit"


If Jungkook knew where Jimin was taking him, he would've said no. He would've one hundred percent said no, because he'd never want Taehyung to feel uncomfortable.

Still, Taehyung is the last person he expected to see exiting the office of the very man Jimin brought Jungkook here to have a little chat with.


"Kookie, Jimin... what are you—why are you?" his tongue darts out of his mouth as he scoffs "Park Jimin why the hell are you guys here?"

He's seething, Jungkook can sense the anger radiating off of Taehyung's body but before he can even muster up a response Jimin's voice can be heard "Kim Taehyung I could ask you the same thing"

Taehyung is about to speak again when Hyungsik appears behind him smug grin painted all over his face.

Jungkook feels sick to his stomach with how close the man stands to Taehyung, "what's with all the noise guys? can't two old friends enjoy a brunch together without interruptions?"

Jungkook's eyebrows cinch together in confusion, his eyes trying to find Taehyung's but the other's are glaring at Jimin.

"What happened to the meeting with BigHit?" he finally speaks up, earning Taehyung's attention.

"It ended at 10." that's all he says. no follow up. no further explanation.

nothing and it hurts. It hurts because Jungkook's lived this situation once, being left for someone else. He never wants to go through that again and surely with the way Taehyung held onto him for dear life this weekend—he never thought Taehyung would be one to do it.

"You guys shouldn't have came, it's not your place" Hyungsik speaks and Jungkook waits, looks at Taehyung with pleading eyes.

Wanting his boyfriend to speak up, say that it is his place. That his place is wherever Taehyung is. Right?

but it never comes. Taehyung just grabs his briefcase and leaves, haste in his steps. Jungkook torn between following him and keeping an eye on Jimin who looks ready to tear Hyungsik in half.

"I don't know what you want from Tae, but you better leave him the hell alone like you did years ago. Don't come back now when his life is finally filling in the empty spaces." He shoves Hyungsik, hard.

Jungkook is about to intervene, pull Jimin away but then Hyungsik laughs, "that's where you're wrong Jimin-ah, your Tae came running to me this time sweetheart. and if the space in his life is already filled, why was he so desperate to take up some of my time?"

Jungkook can't hear anything anymore, he leaves the office, rushing to the garage. Praying Taehyung hasn't left yet. He's got to know.

He stops when he sees the man's car, Taehyung in the drivers seat with his face in his hands.

He knocks on the passenger window reluctantly, isn't sure if Taehyung is going to let him in but he sighs in relief when he does.


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