chapter 3

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With a pounding headache, I opened my eyes.
First, I didn't know where I was or how I got here but the memories got back to me fast enough.
Now, knowing that the tears were the cause of my headache I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.
God, I looked like a mess. I turned on the tap and held my hands underneath it. I brought my hands to my face, trying to wash the traces of the tears off.
My eyes looked all red and puffy but I knew that the cold water was not going to fix that so I turned off the tap and went to the living room.
When I was trying to reach the front door I heard a voice behind me.
"Luisa, where are you going?"
I turned around and saw Rafael.
"I'm going to put on some clean clothes." I said. That was not the only thing though. I just wanted to get away from here. Not knowing if Rafael was still mad at me while being in his house was killing me. Yes he let me stay here, but that was because I saved them yesterday, it didn't immediately mean that he forgave me.
"Oh, okay. But could you come back after for some tea?" He asked.
"Yeah, that's fine." I said and headed out.
My car was still at the building from the party last night. I would've gotten him but I didn't know if I would be able to handle being there again so I decided to just walk home. It was only 3 streets away and some fresh air would be good for me right now.


Once I got home I went to my room and reached out some clean clothes out of my closet. I took a dress out. It was green. Suddenly my heart ached so badly I thought I was going to faint. It was the dress I wore the first time I met Rose. I couldn't wear this anymore. It hurted too much. I put it back into my closet and took out a blue skinny jeans and a white top. I pulled it on and immediately went out.


When I reached Rafael's house I took a deep breath. I couldn't do this. I knew I would break out in tears and I didn't want Rafael to see me like that.
He would probably think I'm not over Rose yet and I didn't want that to happen.
Just before I could turn around and walk bacjk I heard the front door.
"Luisa, you're here." It was Jane. "Come in." She said, welcoming me.
It felt quite strange to be invited in their house. I've never been welcome in this house before. I came here several times to ask forgiveness from Rafael, what I nevef got. Though, I had been inside once before last night. It was with Bobby.
"Thanks." I walked inside and saw Rafael sitting on the couch with Mateo at his side.
"Auntie Luisa!" Mateo ran to me the instant he saw me.
Although we'd only see each other one time he already liked me a lot. It felt like I had been in his life since the beginning.
Rafael looked at me. "Luisa, please sit down." I walked towards the couch and sat in front of him.
"How are you?"
"Oh, I'm fine." I lied. Jane came towards us with the tea and filled the cups. When she finished she sat next to Rafael.
"Luisa, we would like to thank you for saving us." He started.
"Oh, it was no big deal." I said. If only he knew how much it were a big deal. "I couldn't let anything happen to you before your special day." This was true. They were getting married tomorrow.
And I... was not invited.
"About that..." he looked at Jane beflre continuing. "We would love it if you would be there." I looked surprised at Rafael.
"Really?" A smile formed on my lips.
Jane nodded. Then she turned her attention to Rafael.
"Didn't you need to be at the Marbella?" She asked. "I thought you would be working with Petra?"
Rafael smiled and said something I would never expect him to say.
"No, I was thinking about it and you were right. We don't need to have much to be happy. I'm happy with a small life. Let's focus on your dreams." He looked at Jane's surprised face.
"Omg Rafael. You've growned up so much." I said when I rushed towatds them. From behind them I put my arms around them. "I can't wait for you to get married." I was really excited right now.
I sat back and drank the rest of my tea.
"You look better" jane noticed. I didn't even know how she could think that. I looked like a mess, but mostly inside. I tried to remover every evidence from crying and apparently it worked.
"Yeah I feel better." I lied. I knew they were going to take it. They didn't spend a lot of time with me lately. They didn't know how much I've changed and how much I learned to hide my feelings. I became an expert at it.
After some time I decided it was time for me to leave, they needed to sort some things out before the wedding so I thought it would be better to let them alone for a while.

Thank you guys for reading.
So the Jafael wedding is coming. I know the scenes weren't exactly the same but now you knew how I imagined Luisa's feelings.
I hoped y'all enjoyed and I know this was a longer chapter than normally, the next probably will be too but it makes up for my previous chapter bcz that was a really short one.
See u next time.

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