Chapter 19

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WARNING: if you want Roisa to be endgame, stop reading right here.

I looked up from my book to see Rose sitting on the other side of the table, staring blankly at the wall.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head to clear her mind before she looked at me.

"Nothing special, I've just been thinking a lot about Cara lately." I stood up and sat next to her on another chair to be able to communicate better.

"I know. I think you should just try to talk to her again." I rubbed her back. "That might help."

"I tried, I did everything I could, but she wouldn't listen. She still thinks I'm in the drug world. I hadn't seen her in 15 years." I knew what it's like to have a family who doesn't want to listen to you and every time it happened with Rafael it broke my heart. But now, seeing Rose struggle with the same situation, it hurt me too.

"You know what," I started, "We'll both go to her and maybe if she sees that I'm with you she'll listen and then we can explain what happened over the past few years," I suggested.

She nodded in agreement. I stood up and took her hand. 

"Okay, then we're going to leave right now because I can't handle seeing my fiancé like this for any longer." She smiled at me and followed me to our bedroom to make our suitcase. We didn't need a lot, but I took more stuff than I thought would be necessary in case that her sister would need some more time to forgive her because I would not leave there until everything was fixed.


We got out of the taxi and walked towards the small, but modern house. I looked to my left and saw that Rose was nervous. Her face was pale and I could see her breathing speed up. I took her hand in mine to calm her down. "Shhh, everything is going to be fine. I'm here with you." I gave a squeeze in her hand.

We stopped at the door and I could see that Rose wasn't so sure about this anymore. 

"Should I ring the bell?" I asked her. She swallowed and nodded. I still held her hand and I could feel her grip tighten when I pushed the little bell.

I took her hand higher and laid my other upon it to calm her down. I knew that this would be a very important moment and she could use all the support she could get.

The door opened and a woman appeared. She had dark brown hair and I recognized the blue eyes. Her eyes looked the exact same as Rose's. She was wearing a blue skinny jeans and a grey shirt. The smile on her face disappeared when she saw Rose and tried to close the door again, but I stopped her. Rose didn't say anything so I went first.

"Can we talk?" The woman's face who I was almost sure of was Cara stopped staring at Rose and looked at me now.

"And who are you?" She asked me when she folded her arms before her chest.

"Oh, I am Luisa." I introduced myself and looked at Rose. "I am Rose's girlfriend," I said but I quickly corrected my words. "Or fiancé." I smiled at these words.

Her eyes widened and she looked back at Rose. "So, you dare to come to my house with someone from your new project and expect me to say something?" Rose opened her mouth but nothing came out. I had never seen this kind of version of her. She was scared and didn't know what to say.

"No, this isn't some kind of project of her." I started and she rose her eyebrow at me. "Yes, I am aware of what she did, but she changed and I know that because she used to be married to my father for his hotel. That was a plan of hers because her mother forced her to do that. We fell in love and she ended her criminal life because of me." I tried to explain everything in a so small amount of time that was possible because I had the feeling that she wouldn't let me speak otherwise.

I looked at her, waiting for a response, but nothing came. 

"So, can we talk?" I looked at Rose, waiting for her to say anything but she didn't. "Rose was hurt because you didn't let her talk when she came here before and I just want her to be happy. I think that's what everyone wants for the people they love."

That's when Cara started talking. "She hurt me so many times. We all had a hard childhood, living with our mother. Nothing was ever good enough for her. I didn't help her with her criminal life and that was a big shock for her. She shut me out and told her that her only kids were Rose and Derek. No one ever stood by my side and you thought you were so much better than me." She looked at Rose. "I had to do everything on my own just because I didn't want to be like that. You made a choice back then and you'll have to learn to live with the consequences." That's when she turned to me again. "I'm sorry for you, you look like an amazing person and I'm glad Rose has you, but I don't think I'm able to forgive her for everything she did." Those were her last words before she closed the door and Rose and I stood there. 

I looked to my left and saw Rose's eyes tear up so I took her into my arms and held her at the back of her head, letting her cry on my shoulder. "I just really wanted her to forgive or at least understand me." She said while sobbing.

I held her for another minute until we left. There was no use of staying here.


I woke up to see the sunlight coming through the curtains. We stayed the night at a hotel, we didn't sleep much because we kept talking. Rose was convinced that there was nothing left to do, but I didn't want to believe that. I turned around and saw that she was still asleep, so I did what I thought was best to do. 

I put on some decent clothes, took a piece of paper and wrote a message on it for her. 'Rose, don't give up yet.' I laid it on my pillow and took my phone with me before I left the room.

I was going to fix this for her, no matter how hard I would try.

Hi everyone,

so I know that the warning might have sounded a little dramatic, you'll understand if you read the next few chapters as well, I just want you to be warned and the proposal looked a good ending if you want them to be happy. I'm not going to spoil, but I can say that I will hate writing what's to come.

Anyways, hope you still enjoyed this chapter.



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