Chapter 21

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"Cara stop!" Rose. Cara removed the knife again and I looked up. Rose had another knife in her hand. "Let her go, she has nothing to do with this, I'm the problem." I wanted to run towards her, lock her in my arms forever and go away from here, but I couldn't, this was only the beginning.

"Even better," Cara said and put the knife to my throat again. "Now, you can watch her suffer."

"Cara please don't do this," Rose said when she stepped closer. I could see that she had a hard time staying strong. Her sister held me at my hair, my head up. "Look, I'm sorry to whatever I did to you to hurt you, I didn't mean to. Can we just..." She swallowed and looked at me, almost crying. "Leave this behind us and move on?"

"You ruined my life, Rose!" She screamed. "Even if I let you go, I wouldn't be able to move on because of all the memories of what happened keep wandering in my head. I have to do this." In between the words I could feel her grip loosening so I quickly turned, ignored the pain in my leg, stood up and managed to escape. I hopped on one leg towards Rose as quickly as I could until I could feel her arms surrounding me and tightening me in a warm embrace. I locked my arms together behind her back and wasn't planning on letting go until she pulled me behind her.

I could see Cara running as fast as she could and Rose pushed me away. Further away from her sister who was swinging dangerously with her knife towards Rose. I fell on the ground when I didn't get support from my leg. I watched Rose dodge the knife with every swing but every time again, I was scared. I wanted to help her, to defend her but I knew that Rose wouldn't appreciate that because I would screw it up like I always do.

Suddenly Rose grabbed the brunette's arm and pulled her around so she was with her back towards Rose and managed to hold it that way. Rose looked back at me. "Luisa, run!" I stood up and wanted to run to the backdoor, but I knew I wouldn't be able to leave. I couldn't go without Rose. I knew that if we went to that door, we would go together.

Cara kept struggling in Rose's grip and I could see her moving out of it slowly, that's when she swung with her knife at Rose and a deep cut in her hand appeared. She screamed out of pain.

She turned around and looked at me and I knew it was time to do something so I started running towards the door, trying to get her away from Rose, but I wasn't fast enough. She grabbed my leg and pulled me upon the ground. I turned around. She was hanging above me, a smirk on her face and rose her knife. I could see it coming towards my head but I managed to turn around, avoiding the knife by a second. She did it again and I turned around as I did before, but I was less lucky this time. The knife hit my shoulder, forming a cut. I screamed out of pain.

I could see Rose getting up again and coming towards me, but I hadn't been the only one who'd seen that. Cara shoved the knife into my chest and pulled it out again before Rose pushed her off of me. I couldn't scream. I tried, but I couldn't.

Rose looked at me, then at the place the knife had been, eyes wide open. She fell down on her knees, bending above me and covering the wound, trying to stop the blood. Tears fell out of her eyes. "I'm sorry Lu. This is all my fault." She wiped the tears from her cheek, replacing it with the blood that was on her hand, both mine and hers.

I swallowed. "No, Rose, it's mine. I shouldn't have come here in the first place." Tears were streaming over my face. 

She grabbed my hand and squeezed in it. "Luisa, we're going to get through this. You're going to survive, I called the police when I got here and they will send an ambulance and you'll survive. We're going to be together, get married and have kids. A boy and a girl." She smiled.

I took a deep breath. "I love you, Rose." My voice sounded rough. I grabbed her face. "Please promise me..." It was hard to talk so I took another breath. "Promise me, that when the police show up... You'll get out of here and flee."

Teardrops landed on my face. "Luisa, I can't leave you."

"Promise me, Rose." I took her hand in mine. 

She shook her head and waited. We sat there for a while. I was looking at her, still waiting for an answer, remembering every good moment we had. The night we first met, the firework, the way I knew that there was something special about her the moment she walked into that bar. The moments we had when she was still with my father, I enjoyed every second of it. Every smile, every kiss, every hug, every fight.

"I promise." She kissed me softly and I know she could feel my grip on her hand loosen after she said those words. "Please don't leave me Lu. I don't know what I'd do without you." I caressed her wavy red hair. "I'm nothing without you."

"Rose?" I looked at her.


"Can we just be together now? At this moment?" I asked with a soft voice. She nodded and laid down beside me.

She held me and curled up beside me. I knew it was time for me to go, but I wanted to enjoy this last moment. "I love you, Rose, I always have and I always will... never doubt that." My voice sounded so soft and small.

"I love you too Luisa, more than you will ever know and this is not goodbye." I knew it wouldn't be. We would meet again, somewhere else. I was sure about that.

And with that, I closed my eyes and let everything go.

I'm so so so sorry,

I know you all wanted a good ending, but I wanted some cute scenes and sometimes, this is the only way to say everything.

I'll probably make one more chapter and then it's the end for this story.

This might be my last words that I leave in this story, I don't know if I'll do this in the next chapter, but I hope you enjoyed my story. If you're mad at me, just let everything out. I can understand, I'm mad at myself too for doing this.

Anyways, like Luisa said. We'll meet again, somewhere else.



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