Chapter 16

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I got out of the helicopter and saw the house I had been with Rose for the past few weeks. The sea was calm and knowing that I would see Rose made me nervous because I didn't know how she would react when she sees me again. The things I said really hurt her and I don't know if I could ever make that up.

I got closer to the house and I could feel my heart speed up. When I came to the door I stopped for a moment, hesitating. Should I just open the door or knock? I felt unsure about every move I made but chose to open the door.

I walked inside and saw that everything looked the same. Normally this would be a good sign to me, but now it wasn't. Everything was still the same. My note was still on the table which I guess meant that she hadn't seen it yet which meant that she hadn't been inside the whole time.

I had been away for only 2 days but in these circumstances, it felt like 100 years. Not coming home for 2 days is long when you just run away. 

Quickly I grabbed my phone and called Rose. I listened carefully to the ringing of my phone and with every sound it made I got more worried. Voicemail.

I decided to say something. "Rose," my voice was trembling with every word I said. "it's me... Luisa." Tears threatened to fall. "Baby please, I'm sorry for our last conversation. I went back to Rafael to help him get his life back together, but I won't ever leave you. Please Rose... I... I don't know what I would do without you, you know what happens every time. My life is fucked up. You seem to be the only good thing in it. I love you and I'm worried. Please call me back... please." I got support from the wall and slid down until I was sat on the floor, smashing my phone onto the floor and putting my head in my hands, crying.


I tried everything, I called her 52 times, she never answered. I even called some people she used to work with. They told me they hadn't heard from her for more than half a year. It seemed hopeless. It had been 26 hours now.

I got an email from Rafael but I hadn't been able to read it yet because my thoughts were with Rose. I lost all hope. I opened it and started reading to get my thoughts somewhere else.

Hi Lu,

I wanted to say thank you for helping me. I'm already a lot better and I can even see Mateo again.

Jane is still mad at me, but it's not as bad as before and I think she might be able to forgive me soon.

If you will ever visit again, you're welcome and I promise I will do better.


Even though I was glad he was feeling better, I couldn't feel happy. I needed to know if Rose was alright.

That's when my phone rang. I jumped up and looked at the screen to see Rose's name. Quickly, I answered.

"Rose?" I asked.

"Yes." I had never felt so relieved to hear someone's voice over the phone.

I sighed. "Thank god you're okay." I said. "Rose, what happened? I was so worried about you. I called like 100 times."

"I'm sorry. I just..." she didn't finish her sentence. That's when I could hear her sobbing. She was crying.

"Rose? What's wrong." That's when I knew it. She's probably still mad at me for saying these things. "Look Rose, I'm sorry about the things I said. I really didn't mean the..." but I couldn't finish my sentence.

"No, Lu. It's not that." I sat down on the chair waiting for what she was about to say. "After we had that... fight, I left because I knew that it would be hard for me to act normal even when we talked about it and so I did what I always do. Run away from my problems. Anyway, I went to visit my sister." I focused on these last words. Rose has a sister? How did I not know that? 

"Wait, Rose. You have a sister? How come you never told me?" I asked confused.

"Well, I never talked to her a lot and she was the one who wasn't into illegal stuff. That's why I went to her. I needed advice because she was the only sane in our family and I needed someone to talk to." 

"What happened?" I asked.

"She totally shut me out. She said that if I wouldn't have started dealing drugs I would be safe and didn't have to live on an Island and she didn't even listen to me. I don't know why, because I barely talk to her or see her, but this really hurted." I nodded even though she couldn' see it. I knew what she was talking about.

"I know. I was going though the same thing with Rafael."

"Yeah, I know and about that Luisa, sorry for lashing out on you. I shouldn't have done that. I know that you love your brother, it just hurts me so much to see you get hurt every time again."

I smiled at that. "I know Rose, can you just come home soon? I miss you." 

"I'm on my way baby."


so, second update today, kinda proud tbh :)

In between the 2 updates a lot has changed in my life though and I'm happy about that.

There's also the fact that I can't leave my house for the following 3 weeks because Belgium is in lockdown. We love that. You may expect a lot of updates.

Idk why but I talk a lot about myself here, I'm sorry if you guys hate it, but it helps me. Just skip it if you don't like it lol.

Anyways, hope you liked it. 



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