Chapter 8

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"About how I got here for starters" I never thought about it since I saw her coming out of that bathroom, but I wanted to know. How the hell did I got here?
"Yeah, so after I left to start a life somewhere else, I noticed I left some important stuff so I got back, of course I had another face on, but I saw you. And I couldn't help myself from following you to this bar and well... that's when I got worried. Why would you go to a bar? You were sober? So I waited there for you to come back out and you started walking back to your apartment but you fell on the ground in the middle of the street. I knew it wasn't going to end well so I ran towards you and took you with me just before this car could hit you. I picked you up and carried you to the side, but then noticed that you had passed out and I couldn't leave you there so I took you here. "
My mouth fell open. She saved me. If she wouldn't have been around, I wouldn't be here right now. I didn't remember anything from that night anymore, but I was smart enough to know that that might have costed my life.
"Wow... I don't know what to say... thank you." I said.
She was silent. I felt like she wanted to say something but didn't know how.
"Luisa... why were you drinking again?" I inhaled deeply. How was I going to explain this. Say that Rafael had turned his back to me again? I couldn't do that because she would probably make me feel like I had chosen the wrong person again and I didn't want that. I knew that I chose wrong but I didn't need her to tell me that.
"I... I just..." I couldn't hold it. The tears began to stream down my face again.
"Shhhhh... it's okay, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to, but know if you're ready to you can."
I kept crying and tried to hold on to something because I felt that I was losing my balance but I was spinning and couldn't grab anything in time, but before I could touch the ground I heard fast steps towards me and felt Rose grab my waist, trying to hold me up but didn't succeed and my skin touched the cold floor, Rose hanging above me. She could hold her up with her hand next to me on the ground.

She got back up and reached her hand to grab mine. I took her hand and she lifted me back up.

"I'm sorry."
"It's nothing, are you okay?" She asked concerned.
"yes, just a bit scrapes." I said while rubbing my hands to my legs.
"And how are you mentally? Luisa, please tell me. What happened to you?" she touched my arm.
"It's nothing." I said but Rose looked at me like she didn't believe me. She knew me too well, unlike my brother.
"It's Rafael. Everything was okay... I went to their wedding." I said and stopped a moment to let Rose react.
"Luisa! That's great, I'm happy you're having a good relation with your family...even though I still think that they're not treathing you right."
"I... I was happy too... until they came back from their honeymoon and everything became back like it was before. They acted like they didn't know me. Again."
We were both silent for a second.
"Oh Luisa... I'm so sorry, if I would have known." She came closer to me.
"Rose, you couldn't have done anything just like you can't now."

"Don't say that. I still love you Luisa, I wanna be there for you. Don't you understand that?"
"But you can't. You still killed my father Rose, and I'm not even sure of my own feelings anymore." I said while looking in her eyes.
"Luisa, you don't know the whole story." She said but I had a feeling that she regretted saying it immediately
"What do you mean I don't know the whole story?" What the hell was she saying right now? Why hadn't she told me the whole story about my father? It was the thing that got in the way of our relationship a several times.
"Look... I didn't want to tell you, because I knew you weren't going to believe me but I think this is a good moment."
She walked towards the bed and sat down. She looked at me for a while, waiting for me to do something but saw that I wasn't so she patted next to her on the bed. I walked towards the bed and sat down.

"I grew up with my mother, Elena. She always made me do this criminal stuff without me knowing it. I knew she was a criminal and when you're young, you look up to your parents. So my plan was to do the same thing as her and then we could work together. I promised her when I was 5. When I was older I regretted that of course, but I couldn't get out of it so she made me do these things, like selling drugs and other small things. I didn't mean a lot until she said I needed to get your father's hotel. I didn't complain, because this meant I could be far away from her for a long time. So I started and I began dating your father. But then... then I met you. And it was magical, I thought it couldn't be bad to spend a night with you, but then it turned out that you were Emilio's daughter. I knew I had to stop seeing you. I broke up with you and turned my attention back to Emilio, but I've never forget about you. I was always thinking about you so when you got married... It hurted. Then suddenly I became weak. I couldn't stay away from you anymore, so I began checking up on you more often, until we kissed again. And then it was all destroyed... the plan, I, and you because you fell for me. I could see it... you were falling for me and that couldn't happen because I still needed to take over your father's hotel and I was never going to see you again. It hurted too much to see you fall in love with me because well... I already loved you. So, I wanted you to start hating me, even though it would be hard for myself. It was the last thing I wanted but I couldn't do anything so when you threathened to tell your father about our affair, I saw my opportunity. I locked you up in a mental institution, so no one could ever find out about us and you were going to hate me. Then my mother called me again, she said it was going to slowly and told me to kill your father, I couldn't believe what she was telling me. That I needed to kill the father of the person I loved? I said no to her... but then she told me that if I wouldn't do it she would and she wouldn't only kill Emilio, she would kill your whole family... including you. Fast enough I answered her that I would do it... there was no way I was going to lose you. I wasn't going to let anyone kill the person I loved... and certainly not my mother. So I visited you. I needed to be forgiven for what I did before I was going to do another stupid thing, because I knew that when you were going to find out about me killing your father, there was no way you were going to forgive me. You loved your father. But I needed to do it... to save you."

I was in complete and utter shock... what did she just tell me? Was this the reason she killed my father? Because otherwise there would be more people dead? I couldn't believe it... why hadn't she told me earlier?
We were both silent.
I heard Rose starting to cry. I couldn't do anything... I was fixed onto the bed.
Rose stood up and left the room without saying a word. Why did she go? Was she mad at me for not saying anything?
I stood up and walked to the door. She sat at the table with her head in her hands. I didn't dare to come closer because I didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, she looked up. Her eyes were all red and puffy. "I'm so sorry... I screwed up."
This must have been the reason why she walked away. She thought I was mad at her.
I walked towards her and took her hand in mine. "you didn't."
She looked at me with a confused face-expression.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked her.
"Because I was scared. I didn't know how you were going to react and I didn't want to lose you." She sounded so vulnerable... so different than I'd ever heard her before.
"Rose, do you think you could have lost me when you told the truth? The truth that is actually so much more beautiful than the story I knew before." I wanted her to know that I was thankful. Thankful for what she did. She has never been selfish. She never killed my father because it was good for her. She did it to save me and the rest of my family.
"Yes... my mother teached me to constantly lie because it is always better than the truth. When I came out she was mad at me... she told me to lie about it because that was the better thing to do. I've never learned anything else."
"Okay, well... then I'm going to teach you how to be truthfull." I looked at her and suddenly all her sadness seemed to disappear.
"I don't deserve you. Why would you even want to help me?"
"Because you've already saved me enough times. Now it's my turn to save you. You are a good person Rose."
"I'm not... I'm really not. I killed your father, I should have found another sollution. I hurted you... How could I? It makes me sick to think about how many times I did." I saw that she was ashamed, but there was no need to.
"Yes you did, but you are also the only person who made me the happiest person when I was with you." I took my stool and shoved closer towards Rose, until I was sitting next to her. I grabbed her waist to turn her towards me, took her into a tight hug and we just sat there for a couple of minutes.

Hi everyone!
Thank you for reading!
This was a really hard chapter for me to write since I don't have a lot of inspiration and I'm not a native speaker. It' sometimes really hard for me to find the best words to describe something but I hope I succeeded in it.
What do you think about Rose and Luisa? Do they need to get back together?

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