Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes and tried to get used to the light that was coming from outside. I turned around and saw that Rose was still asleep so I gently gave her a kiss on her forehead and got out of the bed.

When I walked in the living room I decided to bake an egg for when Rose would wake up and put on some calm music on my phone, of course with headphones.

I started my phone for the first in a long time. When you're living on an island with only one person, you don't need it a lot. The screen jumped on and immediately an email popped up. I read the sender and froze. 


I didn't know whether to open it or not. I shook my head and deleted it from the screen. I opened Spotify and put on the first song I came across to forget about the email.

I took a pan and put it on the fire along with the egg and realized that my hands were shaking. I don't know why because I thought I would be done with him by now. My last conversation with him was pretty rough and I told him 

That's when Rose came into the room and saw me staring at my hands.

"Is something wrong?" She immediately asked. 

I got myself together and balled my hand into a fist so they would stop shaking. "Yeah, of course. Everything fine." I was surprised by my own voice. The words I said came out so quiet and my voice was trembling. 

Rose came closer. "Luisa, you're shaking." She started. There was no use of trying to deny or hide it. She knew me too well.

I took my phone off the counter and showed the email I got. "I got an email from Rafael," I said.

I saw that Rose was shocked. She probably didn't expect this... Well, neither did I. "What was in it?"

"I don't know, I haven't read it yet." I paused. "Should I?" I know it was probably not the best thing to ask her right now. We haven't been on the island for so long and I'm not sure if she knows that I will never betray nor leave her again.

"I don't know. Look, Lu. I'm not the person you should ask this question to. You should ask yourself. If you want to know what's in it, yes. If you don't and you want Rafael out of your life, I don't think you should, because you'll only harm yourself with it." She put her arm on my shoulder as comfort. It was great knowing that she supported me with every decision I would make.

I laid my phone on the table and took Rose's hand to pull her in a hug. I held her tightly for a few seconds, the pulled away. "We should probably eat," I said. "I made breakfast."

She smiled at me and told me to sit down so she could grab the food.

I told myself to put away the thought of reading the email and enjoy this because this is what I wanted and I told Rafael loud and clear that I never wanted to hear from him again, so he should leave me alone. This was exactly what I wanted to avoid because I knew that if I would leave without saying something, I would get a thousand messages asking him where I am and if  I'm okay while I know he doesn't care about me. What I didn't expect was him sending a mail after everything I said. 

Rose put the plate with my egg in front of me and sat down across from me. She looked at me and I looked up, seeing her frown. "What?" I asked.

"That you should think about something else right now. Leave the email alone I can see that it is keeping your thoughts away."

"Yes Rose, it is. Because he's my brother and even though I've tried not to, I care about him. He hurt me and I'm still confused about what he said in that email, so yes, I'm thinking about that right now, he might not treat me like he should, but at least he's not a criminal." I don't know how or why, but it all came out of my mouth without realizing what I was saying. "Wait, Ro..."

"So you still see me like a criminal? We're still in that phase?! I thought we were past that, but apparently not." She said while standing up and pushing her chair far away. "I've tried. I tried to understand the situation you're in with your brother and I hoped we were past that until earlier when you got that email. I could see everything collapse, but then you put your phone away and I thought you finally realized that I am here, not him. I have always been there for you! apparently, that's not enough." she said and I could see the tears in her eyes, while mine were already rolling over my cheeks.

"Rose, I didn't mean it like that." My voice was trembling and there was nothing I wanted more than to wrap my arm around her and never let her go to let her see that I loved HER and no one else and that I am sorry.

"No, you did mean it like that and you know what. You're right... I am still a criminal, I will always be one. I just hate that you still see me like that."

"I don't," I said softly.

"Luisa, you just said it yourself." She started. "I just. I'm sorry, I can't do this right now." She turned around and walked outside.

"Rose, wait. Please." But it was too late. The door was already closed behind her.

I sat back on my chair and started crying. I let everything go. I really screwed up. Why did I even say that I didn't mean it... did I?

I grabbed my phone off the table and went to my emails. I had to know what he sent and why Rose wouldn't want me to open it.

I saw the email and thought about putting my phone back away, but I couldn't. I had to know what was in it.


I don't know where you are and if you're okay, but the things you said really got me into realizing what I did to you and it wasn't right. You don't deserve that. As you said, you gave everything up for my happiness and all I've done is being a dick towards you and I'm sorry.

You've opened my eyes and I've seen that I am a horrible person. Jane and I have broken up because we've been fighting about it. She thought I was treating you wrong and I didn't believe her until you came to my house that day. I've done many things wrong in my life and that has cost me everything and I just want to apologize for all the shit I've put you through. 

I don't know if you're going to read this, but if you do. I'm sorry and if you ever consider coming back, I promise you I'll do it different next time.


I had absolutely no idea how to feel about this, but I knew this was going to change a lot of things.

Hi everyone!

Another update. Did you like it? So, I wanna apologize for not updating in a long time. I've just been through some rough weeks and I've been so busy with school lately. I've also tried to catch up some sleep because I really needed that.

I know this was a really sad chapter, but I felt like it was becoming really boring and I am so bad at writing cute and happy chapters. Anyways, I'm getting somewhere with my story now and this might stimulate me to write more often. 

I don't have school at the moment because of corona so that's why this chapter is so long.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

See you next time!


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