CHAPTER 5: Paranoia

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Deku's POV:

When I woke up. Todoroki was gone. So I started cleaning the dorms with Kacchan. The whole time we didn't speak to each other. When everyone got back. Todoroki told me not to hang around Kacchan because he was worried I'd get in trouble again. I reassured him that I'd be okay. The next day when Todoroki came back from class. Me and Kacchan were talking about how my hero name came from what Kacchan called me. He was calling me an idiot and I was laughing. Todoroki walks over and grabs my hand. Pulling me away from Kacchan. As we walked to my room. Everything seemed normal. Todoroki laid me on the bed and straddled me like before.

"Close your eyes Midoriya. I have a surprise for you. "

"Uh okay."

I closed my eyes and heard something like chains. Then a cold sensation goes around my wrists tightly. The sensation also goes around my ankles.

"What are you doing Todoroki? I'm getting a little scared."

"I warned you not to talk to Bakugo ,but you didn't listen to me."

I opened my eyes and saw that Todoroki was upset but before I could say anything. He put a ball gag on me. I started to pull on the chains but Todoroki said.

"Don't worry I forgive you Midoriya. Now let's have some fun."

He kissed my forehead and I think to myself.

*So this must be foreplay. okay I thought I was in danger for a second there.*

I wiggle around and act like I'm helpless. Whimpering and crying like I'm pleading for him to let me go.

"HMMMF MMMH MMF!" *please stop this!*

"You did this to yourself Midoriya."

Todoroki puts a blindfold on me and I start thrashing around. All of a sudden I feel something small go inside of my ass. Todoroki chuckles and says.

"This should teach you a lesson."

The thing in my ass starts vibrating and I try to get it out by squirming around.

"It's no use. I made sure that you won't lose it."

My breathing starts to get heavier and I start arching my hips forward. Right before the climax. Todoroki turns off the vibrator and let's me calm down.

"MMMHF MMN NNF MMH NH!" * Hey why'd you stop it?*

"This is your punishment for not listening to me Midoriya. Here have some more."

Todoroki edged me over and over until I was crying and begging for relief. So after the tenth time. He finally let me climax. After all that build up. I was too weak to move. Todoroki held me close as I fell asleep.

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