CHAPTER 26: You've Lost

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Bakugo's POV:

Not long after I left my phone with Icyhot. I heard him call out for me to come back in the interrogation room.

"Hey pomeranian! You can come back inside!"

When I walked in. He had a smirk on his face. Right as I grabbed my phone off the table. He chuckles and says.

"Soon I'll have Izuku all to myself."

"You sure like the sound of your own voice don't you? He loves me not you."

"Love exists in the mind. So what would happen to someone who's mind was broken and at the same time, felt pleasure along with abandonment? After all it must've felt like an eternity before you came to save him. I gave him pleasure while you took your time to find him."

"PLEASURE!? You tortured and raped him to the point of almost dying-
So that was your plan. Make Deku choose you over me by using Stockholm syndrome as your weapon."

When Icyhot leans back in his seat. He makes a hand movement like he's playing chess and says.

"The moment you let me speak to Izuku was the moment I won. Checkmate Katsuki Bakugo."

I walk out of the room and listen to the recording of Deku and Icyhot's conversation. By the time I got to Deku. It was late at night. So I decided to curl up beside him.

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