CHAPTER 28: Getting Another Chance

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Deku's POV:

The next morning I woke to Kirishima sitting beside me.
Before I could say anything. There was a knock on the door. Kirishima got up and when he opens the door. I couldn't believe who was standing there.

"Yeah Midoriya is here- Oh hey you're awake! So much for the surprize."

"No way it can't be!"

Kirishima smiles as tears of hope fill my eyes.

Bakugo's POV:

After I kissed Deku and walked home. I got some rest before preparing for my last fight with Icyhot. I knew that tomorrow one of us would die. The next day when I got to the prison. Icyhot was no where to be seen. There wasn't anyone guarding his cell either. Upon a closer look I discovered the frozen shards of human remains under his bed. As I went to get up. I heard Icyhot say.

"Too slow Bakugo!"

I put my guard up .but the force from his fire blast. Destroyed that whole prison block. This caused me to go airborne. Threw the dust cloud I could see his flames coming off his body. Right as I was about to use my AP shot. Out of the corner of my eye was his ice coming up towards me.

"Shit he can use both at once now!?"

I did an evasive maneuver to avoid his attacks. Unfortunately he predicted which way I would go and hid another attack behind the other two. I had to direct myself closer to the ground in order to avoid this secondary wall of ice. Just as I was about to touch down for a landing. Icyhot comes out of nowhere and kicks me. I go flying towards some steel bars that use to be a door. Right as I was about to be impaled. I closed my eyes thinking.

*This is it I'm actually going to die!?*

After a few seconds I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Deku. I was in shock for a moment. Then a feeling of relief went over me. I couldn't let Deku see how happy I was to see him. So I Acted like normal.


"It's nice to see you too Kacchan. "

The goofy smile on his face pissed me off so much that it started to burn my cheeks. So I looked away from him and said.

"Tch whatever nerd."

"Aww Kacchan are you actually blushing!?"

"J..Just shut up."

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