CHAPTER 22: Wishes Turn To Prayers

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Bakugo's POV:

When we snuck in the sound proof storage room. We saw something bloody on a table. Upon a closer look. I recognized who it was.

"Holy crap is that-? Hey man don't go running off by yourself. This is Todoroki we're talking about here."

I couldn't help myself. Seeing Deku in that shape made me want to cry. So I hid my tears behind anger and ran as fast as I could to save him. This room was huge and Deku was at the back wall. No windows to let in light. The only light source in here was a hospital surgery light above Deku. Before I could get to him. Todoroki jumped down from the ceiling and tried to tackle me. I jumped backwards so he wouldn't catch me.

"Your not taking Izuku away from me Katsuki Bakugo."

When he mentioned my name. I saw Deku flinch. Then he turned his head. That's when I saw the ice stiches that were on his face. My anger was boiling over.


I charged at him using my blasts to propel myself through the air. As I threw a fist towards his face. Icyhot jumps back and starts laughing.

"What the fuck are you laughing at? Have you finally excepted your demise?"

He points to Deku and I see ice creeping up from his legs.

"Huh! no no No NOO!"

I tried to melt the ice but with every attempt. The ice spreds faster. Shitty hair runs up and goes to chip away at the ice carefully. As I turned around to face Icyhot. He kicks me with his fire side. The force was so strong that I flew close to the entrance.

"After I'm done killing you I'm going to join my love forever, but first. I'm going to make you watch as we make love."

"You sick fucker- ACK!"

Icyhot had froze my vocal cords in my throat. I go to stand up but my legs are frozen. I reach up to blast him and even my hand gets frozen solid. With all the ice on me. I can't produce sweat for my quirk. When I reached for one of my grenades. I didn't feel my belt that holds them on me.

"Looking for this?"

There in his flame hand was my belt. Icyhot smirks and walks towards weird hair and deku.

"Out of my way Kirishima."

He backs away with his hands up, and slowly comes closer to me.

"Yyeah man no problem."

When shitty hair gets close enough to me to whisper. He tells me that the ice is using Deku's blood instead of water. It must also be permafrost. The only way to save Deku would be to knock out Icyhot. If we killed him then the ice would cover them both along with us. It's a technique from his mother's side of the family. It only works under certain conditions that have to be met. Unfortunately for us. The conditions are all here.

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