CHAPTER 9: True Feelings Emerge

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Bakugo's POV:

As soon as Icyhot left his room and was out of sight. I picked the lock and grabbed Deku. Once he was on my back. I ran straight to my room as fast as I could. When we were safely inside. I placed Deku on my bed and treated his wounds.

"Damnit why of all times does it have to be now that there's no teachers at school? I hate the weekends." I muttered to myself as I sat next to Deku.

I started to call the police, but before I could call. There's a knock at the door.

"Hey Bakugo! Have you seen Midoriya? He isn't in his room."

*SHIT ITS ICYHOT!* I thought to myself.

"Can't a guy get some sleep around here!? No I haven't seen that damn nerd. Now go away."

"Okay well if you see him. Make sure to let me know okay?"

As Icyhot was walking away. My phone got a text message from him that reads.

<I know it was you. Don't worry I promise that so long as you don't tell anyone. I won't do it again. However if the teachers or police get involved. I'll take him somewhere that you can't find him.>

As I was done reading the text. Deku started to wake up.

"Kacchan what's going on?"

"I got you away from Icyhot. So just get some rest. It's so annoying how you remembered that old code we used to use."

"Yeah but you remembered it too."

"Tch shut up and go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day for us both."

Deku's POV:

In the middle of the night. Kacchan started talking in his sleep.

"Deku why did you go out with that half n half bastard? I know I was hard on you when we were kids, but that was my way of showing you how much I care for you. So just forget about him. He's a mama's boy with daddy issues."

I could feel my cheeks starting to burn. So for the rest of the night. I couldn't go back to sleep. For the next three weeks. Todoroki didn't come near me or Kacchan. Maybe it was because Kacchan never left my side.

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