CHAPTER 8: Freedom From Hell

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Deku's POV:

When I saw a chance to run away from Kacchan. I took it and ran as fast as I could. When I got out of the restroom. I saw Todoroki standing outside of the door. Before I could say anything. Kacchan yells out.


Todoroki's smile turns to a frown and he pulls out his phone. I tried to run passed him, but then I felt like my body was paralyzed by electricity. As I turned down another hall. I started to blackout. I remember Todoroki catching me before I hit the floor. Then Kacchan was about to walk away. With all the strength I had left. I whispered for help. However it was in a way that only me and Kacchan knew. When we were kids, before we had quirks. We made up our own code for helping each other out as pro heroes. If one of us was in trouble but we were in a tight spot. Our signal for help was to say.

"I have no fear because you are here."

I hope that Kacchan would remember that, but it's been over ten years since we've used it. When I came too. I was standing up and chained to todoroki's ceiling. For two hours straight. He cut me and beat on me. Todoroki kept saying that this was punishment for disobeying him. After awhile he told me that he was going to take a shower. Not long after he left. I thought I saw someone's shadow under the crack of the door. I thought that it was a test to see if I'd scream for help. So I tried to quiet my cries. Soon the shadow ran away while another shadow appeared from the opposite direction. When the door opened. I saw that it was Todoroki. Which means someone else was just at the door. I started thrashing around and trying to get free. Todoroki shut the door behind him and right before it shut. I saw Kacchan hiding behind the corner across the hall. His face was in shock.

"Stop squirming around Midoriya. Or else I'll have to punish you some more."

I stopped moving and went limp.

"There now that wasn't so hard now was it?"

I nod my head no and Todoroki ripped the tape off my mouth. He then kisses me with tungue and I don't fight back. During the kiss. I feel a sharp pain in my neck then I feel sleepy.

"Todoroki what was that?"

Todoroki unchains me and sets me on the bed. Then he covers me up with the blankets. When I wake up. I'm no longer in Todoroki's room or mine. When I look at the nightstand. I see a picture of Kacchan and me as kids playing together.

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