CHAPTER 21: Waking Up in Stitches

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Deku's POV:

I wake up from extreme pain coursing throughout my body. My arms and legs feel like they've been broken and have ice on them. My eyes and lips are so cold that it burns. When I try to open my eyes. The pain gets worse. The same goes for if I try to speak. When I was trying to move a finger. I realized that I couldn't feel my fingers. Panic starts to set in. Hyperventilating I thrash around. Hoping that this is just a nightmare, but deep in my heart. I knew this wasn't a dream.

"Well good morning Izuku. I hope you had a pleasant sleep. "

"Hmmmf mm nmmf mmm?" *What have you done to me?*

"What's that? I can't understand you with your lips stitched shut. Heheheh"

My heart feels like it's about to explode because of how fast it's beating.

"Now I think your ready for the next step. With your hands and feet broken. You can't fight back. Plus I'm so excited that the stitches over your eyes make sure that I am the last thing you ever saw, and the ones on your lips. Makes it impossible for you to utter that name infrunt of me again. Don't worry I made sure to freeze your broken limbs so the pain wouldn't be so intense on you my love."

With every teardrop that forms. My eyes burn from the stitches. Now I don't even wish for Kacchan to come save me. I don't want him to see me like this. Now my only wish is for the sweet release of death because if Kacchan was to see this. He would probably try to kill Todoroki. Which would eather end up with Kacchan dying, or Kacchan killing Todoroki and never becoming a hero.

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