CHAPTER 7: The Discovery

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Bakugo's POV:

On mine and that nerds last day of suspension. I noticed that he wasn't up cleaning before me. So I went to his room and knocked on the door. Yelling at him to get up. When I didn't hear him yelling back at me with a nervous tone. I thought he was busy cleaning his room. So I started to walk away. However I heard a muffled voice coming from his room. So I reached down to open the door and that's when I saw a note.

<Sick with a high fever. Please don't come inside no matter what you hear. I'm trying to sweat this out of my system.>

After reading that. I decided to clean the dorms until it shined. So I wouldn't get sick. The next day when Deku and I were allowed back in class. Deku didn't talk to anyone except Icyhot. Hell he wouldn't even look at anyone else. So after class when no one was around. I cornered Deku in the men's room. Deku's back was against the wall as my arms were on each side of him. Making sure he didn't run away from my questions. Normally this would get a scared response from him ,but all he did was look at the floor. Acationaly I would see him look at the door but never at me.

"Deku what the hell is going on with you!?"

No response from him.

"Did the fever fry your brain or something!? Talk to me DAMNIT!"

I looked down and saw some notes that he made for class and the hand writing didn't match the note on his door. Before I could confront him about the note. Deku slipped by me and ran out of the restroom. I chased after him, but when I turned down the hall. Deku was out cold in Icyhots arms.

"See I warned you that it's too soon to go back to class Midoriya.*SIGH* Don't worry I'll take him back to his room for some rest Bakugo."

"Tch whatever."

I started to walk away but I could have swore that I heard Deku whisper for help. So I turned around and saw Icyhot putting Deku over his shoulder and walk towards his dorm and not Deku's. So I followed far behind them to see what's really going on. When Icyhot got to his room. He looked around to see if he was followed. Then went inside and locked the door. After about two hours passed. Icyhot walks out covered in sweat and heads for the showers. When he was out of sight. I ran over and saw that the lock on his door was different from everyone else's. I put my ear against the door to hear what's going on inside the room. It sounded like Deku was crying. Right before I was about to open the door. It sounded like Icyhot was coming back. So I hid behind a corner that I could look inside of the room. When he opens the door. I saw Deku chained to the ceiling and cut marks all over his chest. When the door opened up. Deku was thrashing around and crying more then I've ever seen before. I started to think of ways to get Deku out of there, but his ice quirk would stop me from getting Deku free.

"Damnit this is going to be hard to do."

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