CHAPTER 11: First Time At Love

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Bakugo's POV:

When Icyhot is gone. I start to yell at Deku.

"What the hell Deku!? Why did you get in the way of our fight!?"

"If I hadn't then you would've been killed!"

"I don't need help. I could've dodged it."

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah! I didn't need your protection ya damn nerd! I'm always prepared no matter what!"

"Is that right?!"

Deku walks up to me and kisses me. To be honest. I wasn't expecting him to make a move like that. When we broke from the kiss. I couldn't say anything for awhile.

"You weren't expecting that now were you Kacchan *chuckle*"


Deku grabs my hand and we start walking to his room.

"Where are you taking me nerd?"

"You'll see!"

Once inside of his room. Deku pins me against the door. We hold each other in an embrace as we make out. Our lips crashing into each other as our tungues start exploring. Deku's hands go up the back of my shirt. So I stop holding Deku because I'm taking off my shirt. Only breaking from the kiss to pull my black t shirt off. Deku does the same like we're in sync. When our lips make contact again. My hands go down Deku's pants and I grab his ass. This causes him to let out a sexy gasp like moan.


Deku pushes me on to the bed and he straddles me. When I try to sit up. He gently but firmly grabs my wrists and pins then to each side of me at eye level.

"Kacchan I hope you don't mind me being top. It's just that I don't want to feel helpless anymore."

"Uh yeah sure I guess."

My cheeks start to burn a little. So I glance away from Deku and he kisses my forehead. Deku's hands move up from my wrists and our fingers interlocked. I lean up and kiss Deku with everything I could. Using tungue play against his tungue to stimulate him and arouse him even more. Our breathing starts getting heavier as we take off each other's pants. Deku leans against my body . our hands explore one another. Deku reaches down to my boxers and starts gently teasing me by rubbing the tip through the cloth.

"Haah nnnnah! d...Deku!"

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