CHAPTER 12: The Act Of Love

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Bakugo's POV:

I couldn't help but to let out a few moans as my hips start to arch towards him. After awhile Deku reached in my boxers and went to my ass. He then preceded to stick a finger in. Slowly circling inside to widen me. Once I loosened up. He stuck another in and did a scissor motion. when I told Deku to stop teasing me and hurry up. Deku pulled off mine and his boxers. Then he enters me and starts thrusting. Our arms wrapped around each other tightly. Once Deku hits my prostate. I moaned out loudly in pleasure.


I think Deku was mapping out every thrust because the second I moaned. He smirks and says.

"Looks like I finally found it."

With every thrust after that. He would hit it everytime. So to not draw attention from anyone who might pass by the room. I buried my face in Deku's shoulder. About two minutes later. My body starts to tense up from pleasure and I start to dig my nails into Deku's back. He's not bleeding but I'm sure it'll leave a mark on him. At the moment of climax. My ass clinched. This caused Deku to moan out and his body to tence up even more. I could feel him filling me up and it felt so good. After the sensation of climaxing went away. I felt my body get weak. So I laid back and slowly started to catch my breath. Deku lays down beside me and we embrace each other. Falling asleep in one another's arms.

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