CHAPTER 29: Psycho Mode

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Deku's POV:

Todoroki interrupts our conversation and says.

"My love your here! You must've come to help me kill the one who stole you away from me right?"

"No I'm here to fight for Kacchan. Who's the one I really love."

"No no NO! This wasn't how my plan was supposed to have gone."

"Well villains don't win so long as us heroes are around Icyhot."

Todoroki's body starts going half ice and half fire at the same time.

"Shut up you fucking dandelion. You took izuku away from me. You even somehow melted the ice on his spine and convinced him to help you."

"Todoroki it wasn't Kacchan who melted the ice. It was-"

By this point Todoroki's flames looked like they were being frozen.

"ENOUGH! I'm tired of the games . Either be with me or die with him Midoriya."

I set Kacchan down so he could stand. Then I use my body as a shield. My back towards Kacchan as I look Todoroki in the eyes.

"I love Kacchan not you Todoroki."

Todoroki looks down like he's crying. Then a few seconds later. He raises his head to reveal that he's laughing hysterically.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! I don't understand. Why does everyone hate me? Even my own parents hate me! My dad never loved me. He was just using me to make himself look better as a hero. My mom couldn't look at me because she hates how I look. She even burned me for that very reason. Now you hurt me too by playing around with my emotions!? For that I'll make sure you never have true love Midoriya. Because if I can't have you, Then no one will!"

A cold burst hits Kacchan and I like a wave. As Todoroki's flames start to make the air colder. It's almost like his flames are turning to liquid nitrogen.

"Oh no I'm too late. His heart has frozen."

Before Kacchan could ask me what does that mean. Todoroki shot off an ice blast towards us. So I tackled Kacchan to the ground and shielded him with my body. To my surprise nothing happened. Someone was shielding us both from the attack.

Shoto's POV:

My heart felt like it was destroyed by Izuku's words. So I thought of a plan.

*If I shot out an ice blast threw the air right at them. Izuku would tackle Bakugo to the ground and shield him. However my attack will spread out into spikes. Which would impale them both and freeze them to death. Once that's done I'll simply break my love away from Bakugo and have him to myself forever. He'll never be able to disobey me, fight with me, or break my heart again.*

So I shot off the blast. It was so strong that it created a fog around them. When the fog cleared. I was in shock because of who was blocking my attack.

"I don't understand. Why are you here


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