Prologue: How I ended Up at Adam's

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"You got somewhere to cool off the adrenaline?" Platt asks.
"Yeah Kev invited me for drinks with him and some other cops," Rojas replies.
"Good you gotta find a way to get your breath back" Platt replies. Mouch calls for her and she heads home with him.

Rojas turns around to Burgess and Ruzek,"hey you guys wanna come to Molly's tonight?" She asks.
"Ughhh thanks but I just want some quiet time," I reply.
"Yeah I think I'm ready for home," Adam states.
"Alright I'll see you guys. Goodnight," Rojas says as she walks away.
"Night" Adam and I both say.
I take a few steps ahead of Adam and turn slightly and says "goodnight" to him.
"Hey", Adam says stopping me. I turn to face him. Adam looks over his shoulder to see if Rojas and Platt are out of earshot.
"Would you wanna come with me?" Adam asks looking at me sweetly. I just stare back at first, surprised by Adam's question but happy. Adam moves towards me and I feel myself swallow and look at his lips, he looks down at mine. It's been awhile since we've been this close and he's looked at me like that.
"Yeah" I reply barely above a whisper. I feel Adam run a finger down the back of my hand and loop with one of my fingers as he turns us to walk towards his car. I climb in his car and he heads off to his house. I can feel butterflies start to build in my stomach, but I ignore them. I can only focus on his hand in mine and how much I missed this feeling and his touch. He's always made me feel safe, right now I want to feel wanted. We arrive at Adam's place, I survey it before going in. He did good with this place. He opens the door and turns around to help me take my coat off and he leans forward to kiss me forehead.

Authors Note: short prologue so everyone knows where I'm starting from. I hope you enjoy!

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