Chapter 1: Finding a Release

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"Do you want a beer?" Adam asks still leaning against my forehead.
"Yeah," I reply.
He steps back and heads to his kitchen, I take this time to look around his apartment. I didn't hear him come up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and hands me my beer.
"It's a lot nicer than my old place,isn't it?" Adam asks.
"It is," I say laughing. I take a swig of my beer and Adam grabs my hand and takes me to the couch.
"Today was crazy. I've never seen anything like and I don't want to see anything like that again," Adam says.
"I agree. I was so worried for everyone and Hailey," I says.
"Yeah me too," Adam replies looking away at the sound of her name.
"Can I ask, are you two over?" I ask.
"Yeah, it was more physical than anything and she didn't really understand me and my code. Plus I think she's into Jay," he replies.
"I thought I noticed something between them," I say. "Thank you for inviting me over, I didn't want to go out but I didn't really want to be alone"
"You're welcome here anytime. Plus I know you and I know you like destress in private. Plus you were looking really good today" Adam says leaning closer.
"Thank you Adam. You aren't looking to bad yourself" I reply.
Adam leans forwards and my eyes dart to his lips then back to eyes. He's staring at me like I'm the only person in the world right now. He slips an arm around my waist and kisses me. I don't respond initially, just taking in the feel of his lips against mine. I then quickly respond and before I know it Adam is picking me up and carrying me to his bedroom, reminds me of our first time together. He lays me gently down on his bed and pulls his shirt off as I run my hands down his chest. I pull my shirt off over my head. Adam looks my body up and down before climbing on top of me...

I wake up sometime during the night to Adams arm strung over my hip and me pulled close to him. I missed the way he felt against my skin and I missed rolling over to see him in the morning. I smile and fall back asleep.

I wake to sun shining in the room, I roll over and realize the bed is empty. I grab one of Adams shirts and throw it on before heading downstairs. He is in the kitchen with his back to me. I wrap my arms around him from behind and kiss his back.

"Good morning darling,sleep well?" He asks.
"Morning, I slept pretty good! You?" I say.
"I slept better than I have in awhile", he replies.
He turns around to face me and kisses my forehead.
"Damn you look good in my clothes," he whispers in my ear.
I bite my lip and then lean forward to kiss him. I can feel his hands tighten on my hips. I suddenly pull away and Adam looks confused.
"Something is burning!" I state.
"Shit! The eggs," Adam replies as he turns around and moves the pan off the burner.
"Well I planned on making us each our own but I guess we can split the good batch," he says sheepishly.
Both of our phones go off at the same time, we caught a case.
"Guess it's a good thing we have to split a batch since our time just got cut short", I say as I head upstairs to change. Luckily I had extra jeans I was bringing home but I didn't have a shirt. I can see Adam watching me before heading to his closet and pulling a box out that looked buried.
Kim. Was written on it. I look at him as I step towards the bed to see what's in it.
"Just a few things you left after we, you know. I'm not sure if there's a shirt in there,if not just wear one of my plain black ones for now" Adam says nervously.
I'm shocked he's kept this box the whole time. I also realize that means whatever is inside has been in there for almost 3 years.
"I think I'm just going to wear your shirt, I'm sure whatever is in there isn't all that clean" I explain. We quickly get dressed, shovel in the eggs and we head out the door. Only then do I realize I didn't drive to Adams and we don't have time to get my car.
"Well think of a reason as to why I picked you up" Adam says. I nod my head, nervous of what people might think seeing us arrive in the same car.

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