Chapter 7: The Talk

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I hear a knock on the door and I don't even bother to look whose on the other side. I know it's Adam.
"Hey", I left as soon as I could without it seeming suspicious he says.
"You're fine, it gave me a few minutes to straighten up things," I says.
"It's crazy how we've both have gotten new and better apartments now that we've both been intelligence for a few years", he comments.
"Yeah, we're both reaching our dreams," I say.
I lead him over to the couch and we take a seat.

"There's one thing missing from my dream," Adam starts.
I take a deep breath trying to prepare myself for what he is going to say next.
"I'll always love you Kim, that won't ever change. I'm trying to be a good guy and not mess everything up but I feel like I'm failing," he adds.
"I know you're a good guy, that's why I love you," I say with a chuckle. He's always been one of the best people that I know. That was never the problem. I see that I have his attention with those 3 words.
"I don't know if we're meant to be together again or not. I do have some news that does change somethings," I start. My heart is beating fast and I can barely breathe.
"Is everything okay? You look like you could pass out,"he comments. I needed that laugh.
"My sister after her divorce, made some not so smart decisions financially and I've tried to help the best I could. To much. I'm at risk of being evicted," I say. I hang my head in shame.
"Hey whatever you need, I'm here for you. Do you need money? I have savings," he asks.
"No, I don't want your money. But I might need a place to stay for a little until I can get back on my feet" I say shyly.
"That's no problem. Kim you're always welcome at my place. For however long you need it. You can sleep in the guest room if it makes you more comfortable," he says. I let out a long breath and he leans in to hug me.

I take in everything that just happened. I told him I love him and I'm moving in with him, even if it's only as roommates. I'm definitely going to need a large drink after this major emotional rollercoaster.

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