Chapter 14: Recovery

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I wake up sometime later on the couch wrapped up in Adam's arms. I sometimes forget how much he feels like home. The last few days with him has really made me miss him and us and what we use to be. I often wonder that if we would have stayed together, would we be married? Have kids? Still work together? I try not to let myself go to those what if's, but it is hard. Adam has gown and matured since we broke up. He handles cases and undercover operations better. I'm pretty sure losing Al has something to do with all of that. Adam seen him as a father figure, since his own father is not always very supportive of his career moves. Losing Al was hard on Adam, though he won't admit that o anyone,let alone himself. My stomach growls and brings me out of my thoughts. We never did eat. I slowly move out of Adam's grasp dong my best not to wake him. As I stand there's a knock at the door, Adam stirs but doens't wake up so I go to answer it.

"Oh hey Kim!" Hailey says.
"Hey are you looking for Adam? He's sleeping but I can wake him up if you want." I say
"No it's okay I know what it's like to try to wake him". She laughs nervously and looks away.
"Do you want to come in?"
"Umm no just tell Adam that I was by and ask if he can text me." She starts to walk away when she says 'Oh and I'm glad you are okay Kim, I really am."

I smile and she walks away. As I turn to shut the door, I catch the bottom of my shirt out of the corner of my eye. Then I realize that I just answered Adam's door in just his tshirt and his ex was on the other side. Well that was fun. As I make my way to the kitchen to heat up the food, Adam is standing there getting a drink of water.

"Hey,who was that?"
"It was Hailey she said not to wake you and I invited her, but she didn't want to come in. She said that she would like you to text her though."
"Hmm I wonder what that is about." He says more himself to me. I shrug and go back to heating up the food and then I sit down and Adam sits across from. I notice that he keeps glancing over at me.
"Do I have something on my face?"
"Then why do you keep staring at me?"
"I wanted to talk to you, but I don't want to mess things up right now."
"Adam, it's me, just talk to me"
"I have enjoyed having you here the past few days. I have obviously enjoyed the fun that we are having. When you were shot, it was like time stood still. I felt the same way I did the first time you were shot, scared and hopeless. I would have traded places with you if I could. I know things are finally going good between and I don't want to ruin this. But what is this? Is this just sex?"
I sit there for a moment trying to process everything he just said to me and figure out what I am feeling.
"Honestly Adam,I have no clue what this is. I do know that I like whatever it is. I'm sorry that I can't give you the answer you want to hear."
"I just want the truth,no matter what it is".
"Has it ever been just sex between us?" Adam grabs my hand and squeezes it.

I know that that answer will help ease his mind and mine. I don't know what we are or where this is headed. There is to much history and love between us for it to ever be just sex. We both know it. Part of me wishes that it was that simple,the other part of me wishes that I was married to this man. I think I need to get out of the house for a bit,maybe Kev can help me figure this out. He knows both sides of this and loves us both. I shoot him a text asking if I could come over to talk. His response was simple, "I figured this was coming, doors unlocked, I'm out back". I chuckle, Kev always knows what I need before I do. I tell Adam I'm headed out after I do a quick change.

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