Chapter 22: Adam

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Everything hurts so bad. Just thinking about moving hurts. What happened? I start to open my eyes and I can make out shadows or people. I can see them turn as I start to stir around. It's my team and my sister.
"Kim you're awake!" Nicole yells.
"Shh not so loud" I whisper
"Sorry it's just we've been waiting for you to wake up"
"How long was I out? What happened?"
"You don't remember?" Adam asks.
"I remember going to our home and some guys were there. But that's all" I say.
"They hurt you Kim. I'm so sorry. I should have been there. You've be out for a week. We caught the guys and Wendy went back home. She felt responsible"
"I'm glad you got them. Why was Wendy here?"
"She's Hailey's CI. Remember?" He continues.
"Adam, who is Hailey?" I ask. Everyone turns to a blonde hair girl with a badge. Hmm did they fill my spot in intelligence already?
"Hailey Upton, she's been with us for 2 years" Adam says slowly.
"But Erin..?" I start. I can see the concern and everyone's face.
I can hear jay whisper " I'll get my brother"
I fidget with my fingers while we're waiting, everyone staring at me.
"Oh my god!" I yell.
"What's wrong?" Kev asks moving closer.
"My ring!"
"What ring Kim?"
"What do you mean what ring, my engagement ring!?" I shout. I turn to Adam "I'm so sorry baby I must have lost it in the struggle"
His face is white as a ghost and no one will meet me in the eyes. Dr.Halstead walks in. "So I hear there might be some memory issues"
"Yeah she doesn't remember what happened or who Hailey is" Jay explains.
"She took a bad beating, her short term memory is probably affected while her brain heals from the injury. It's not concerning." The doc explains.
"What do you consider short term?"
"Depends anywhere from 6 months to 2 years typically. Why?"
"Umm she thinks we're engaged and that ended almost 5 years ago" Adam says above a whisper.
"What do you mean I think?" I half shout while a tear slides down my cheek. They all look at each other again and then Nicole and Adam nod. Everyone else, including the doctor leaves the room.
"Is someone going to tell me what's going on?" I say through the years.
"Kim honey. You broke off the engagement with Adam 5 years ago. You've two have had some hookups and your friends again. Possibly even working towards getting back together" Nicole explains
"But I was at our house when I was attacked..?"
"You live with me. You lost your apartment after helping your sister out financially so you moved into my guest room. We started communicating better and working on us and things are going well" Adam says.
"But we're not engaged?" I ask again. I'm so confused.
"No darling we're not." He says as he puts his head down.
"What happened? Where's the ring? I didn't lost it..?" My head is spinning a mile a minute.
"I'm gonna give you guys some tome to talk" my sister says as she excuses herself.
Adam pulls up a chair beside me and takes my hand in his.
"You called off the engagement l. We weren't communicating well, you thought I didn't want to get married. Plus Roman but ideas in your head cause he wanted to be with you. I did want to marry you for the record, I just didn't show it very well. And I um still have the ring with me.." he says shyly.
"Oh I'm sorry. I don't remember. You have the ring on you?" Was he gonna propose again?
He pulls his keys out and on the keychain is my ring. I would recognize it anywhere.
"I didn't know what to do with it. It say in my locker for the longest time. I put it on my keys to remind me to be a better man and a better person. I wanted to give it back to you, romantically or not. As a symbol of my growth not just love" he explains.
I smile and squeeze his hand. I don't even know what to say. I feel like I've missed so much of my own life and I was only out of it for a week. I'm not engaged but I live with him, and we're dating I think. I don't know who Hailey is but apparently she must be hood police. That doesn't explain where Erin is or why Nicole needed my help financially. I have a feeling this is just the start of a long list of questions I'm going to have to try to fill in the last 5 years of my life. Dear lord I hope my memory comes back and fast. I feel like a stranger in my own life...

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