Chapter 20: Molly's

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I ride to Molly's with Kev, he said that he gets to claim me since he's worked ei5 me the longest. This of course caused everyone to laugh.
" I wish we could have been there to see the promotion"
" I wish you guys could have been there too. It all happened so fast, I was convinced that I was going to get fired. Voight has said he had a FOP rep on standby. He wasn't allowed to tell me anything."
" Jay said he had gotten a call in the middle of the deal and he took it. Which of course was weird to Jay and he thought something was wrong, especially once we heard the shots. But know Burgess, I'm so proud of you. You deserve this, you handled yourself like a pro out there today and every day"
"Thanks Kev, it really means a lot"
"And now we celebrate"
I chuckle and get out of the car. We all arrive at pretty much the same time.
"Burgess you enter last" platt says. I'm confused but I agree. I follow everyone else in and as soon as I step inside, my team moves to the sides of 5e room as everyone yells congratulations! There's people from med, 51 and the 21st here.
"We discussed this before you got downtown and then I called Mouch and he helped set everything up" platt explains.
" thank you guys,"
"Speech!" Severide exclaims.
" oh God OK. I want to thank each and every one of you in this room, each of you has played a part in my career and have made me a better cop and person. I am so incredibly thankful for all the lessons learned from all of you. Especially to my unit, I trust you guys with my life
,literally, I am so honored to work alongside each of you. I'm excited to start the next chapter of my career with the best unit in Chicago. And to Platt  thank you. Thank you for pushing me, believing in me, and always having my back. You've made me into a fantastic cop and I strive to be half the cop that you are someday."
"To Detective Burgess!!" Herman exclaims as he radiates a beer.
"To detective Burgess!!" The whole bar exclaims. I can't help but smile, this has got to be the best day of my life. Everyone starts to mingle among themselves when Brett and Kidd walk up to me.
"Let me see that badge detective" Kidd says
I chuckle and pull it out of my pocket to show them.
"Look at that thing shine just like our Kim" Brett says.
"Thank you guys" I say while giving the, a hug. I look at my badge, probably for the first time since Platt gave it to me. Brett is right it is shiny.
"So how are you celebrating the promotion?!" Kidd asks. I instinctively look around the room for Adam, but I don't see him anywhere.
" Him and Wendy slipped out during your speech. Something about the deal with her dealer Alexia" Upton says as join us. I just nod and smile, trying to hid my disappointment. He's the one person I want to celebrate with and he's the one person whose not here. I mean I get it, I get he has to help Wendy. But now? I shake my head and join back in the conversation it's the girls. There's no way anyone is ruining my night, not tonight.

Long after Molly's normal closing time, we all finally head our separate ways. I make my way home in an Uber, since I rode over with Kev. I notice that Adam's car isn't in the driveway, hmmm it's kind of late to still be at some deal. I'll text him and make sure he's okay. When I go to open the door, I realize it's already unlocked. Adam is meticulous about locks and so am I, we know the kind of people that lurk the streets. I draw my weapon and start to slowly and quietly clearly Adam's place. I clear the downstairs and right before I head upstairs I hear someone say
"No one is here, but this is definitely the guys house. It doesn't look like one that belongs to a dealer."
I stop and shot a "SOS @ Adams's" to a group chat we have with the team. I turn my phone on silent, take a deep breathe and head upstairs. I head towards Adam's room and see two guys with their backs towards me.
"CPD!!! Show me your hands!"
They turn around quickly, I surprised them for sure. But in a moment I'm shoved against the wall, my gun knocked from my hand while the other guy starts beating the living crap out of my face. I try kicking and hitting, but with no luck. I quickly realize I need to save my strength with the beating I am getting. I can feel my legs give out and I'm falling to the floor. One guy is punching my back while the other is kicking my ribs. It hurts so much, I want to die so it'll end. Please let it end. I try to scream but nothing comes out. The last thing I hear is what sounds like Voight yelling my name and then I hear and feel nothing....

Authors Note:
I apologize for the delay, work is crazy. I'm gonna try to update again later tonight or tomorrow, I promise you won't want to miss the next chapter ;)

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