Chapter 17: Upton

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**Adam's POV**
I arrive at the bar before Hailey gets here. She said she had one more thing to finish up and then she was gonna meet me here. It's the same sports bar that her and I used to go to play pool. I go ahead and order us each a beer, I have a feeling that I am going to need several of these. Hopefully this isn't going to be bad and hopefully it doesn't mess things up with Kim. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and it brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Adam, sorry Voight just needed me to finalize some paperwork for our training today"
" No worries. I went ahead and ordered us both a beer. I hope you still drink miller."
" I don't drink anything else." She says with a laugh.
"So is everything okay Hailey?"
" Yeah I guess I have left you waiting long enough. I have a new CI, I busted her for dealing and I'm trying to get to flip on her boss."
"Okay...? Do you need help? Is the boss some big shot?"
" I'm not confident on who the boss, I just know that his product is responsible for a string of over doses in high school kid."
"I'm sorry, I don't get what this has to do with me"
"Adam, my CI. It's Wendy. Your ex. I didn't know who she was at first until Atwater saw her picture in a folder on my desk and told me. He said as far as he knew, she didn't do drugs when you were together so he didn't know why she's doing it now."
"Wendy is your CI? She's in Chicago? And she's dealing drugs? I don't understand"
" I told her that I work with you. She begged me not to tell you, that she didn't want your sympathy and certainly didn't want to see you. My loyalty is with you and this unit. I wanted you to know and I wanted you to hear it from me. If you don't want me to work her, I'll stop and still drop the charges."

I sit there and take a few swings of my beer trying to make sense of what Hailey just told me. Of all the things I thought she was going to tell, this was certainly not on my list. I haven't seen Wendy since she gave me the ring back. In her defense I deserved it, I was totally into Kim at that point. Shit, Kim. What is she going to think.

"Hey, you don't have to make any decision right now. Go home, talk to Kim and let me know what you decide"
"I'm not an idiot Adam, you love her and you always will. Which means you're very concerned about what she is going to think about all this. Don't worry about me, we both know that we were more physical than emotional."
"I'm sorry"
" Dont be, it was fun plus I'm into someone else. Anyways I should get going, it's my turn to cook and Vanessa is going to be pissed if I skip my turn again."

I nod and she heads out the door. I sit there staring at my beer. Not finishing it. Wendy is back. She is back and she is mixed up in intelligence. My intelligence. Shit. After probably 20 mins I finally decide that it's time to stop avoiding it and I head home.  I'm nervous about how this next part is going to go.

*Kims POV*
I hear the doorknob turn and it pulls me out of the episode of new girl that I am watching. I look up to see Adam standing in the doorway looking like he got hit by a bus and seen a ghost.
"Adam are you okay? You don't look so good."
"Kim we need to talk" he makes his way over to where I am sitting on the couch.
"Kim please know that I had no idea"
"Okay...? No idea about what" he's making me very nervous.
"Wendy is back. She's back in Chicago. I only know this cause she's Hailey new CI. She got busted for dealing drugs."
"Wendy is dealing drugs?"
"I don't understand that part. I haven't talked to her since she gave the ring back. Last I heard she was engaged to a teacher and living in Seattle. I swear I didn't know that she was back Kim. I swear"
" I believe you. Adam I'm not mad at you. You did nothing wrong"
"Things we're finally getting back to normal between us and I don't want this ruin it. I don't want her to come between us. I also can't just not help her"
I take Adam's face in my hands," Adam you are one of the best guys that I know. I would be more upset with you and if you sat back and did nothing. I'm not mad at you. I don't want her to ruin this,whatever it is either. So let's not let is. Were working on communication, so let's do just that. Just keep me in the loop is all I ask"
" you're amazing darling"
"Adam, I know what it's like to have you in my life and I know what it's like to not have you in my life. I'm not saying you're to blame at all, but I know having you in her life could help."
" thank you for understanding "
" thank you for letting me know"

He nods, but I can tell he's still not really here. I can't blame him though, that's a lot to take in. Not only is he living with one ex fiancé, the other one is now a CI for our unit because she got into drug dealing. I'm more impressed that he's not having a full blow meltdown, though he looks like he's pretty close to it. I don't know what to say but I do know one thing that might be able to calm him down. I grab his hand and he looks at me in confusion, I pull his arm towards me. He gets the message that he's supposed to follow. I take us to his bedroom and I lay down on the bed. I pat the spot beside me and he lays down slowly. I pull his head onto my chest and start playing with his hair, this always helps him calm down. I can feel him relax in my arms as he puts an arm around my waist. After a little while, I feel his breathing slow and I know that he's asleep. I shoot Erin a text to her let her know what happened and she is completely shocked. I told her I'll FaceTime her later when Adam isn't laying on me, to which she freaked out about. She had my back the most after the breakup, but she also supported us the most, she know we make each other better. And with that final thought I drift off to sleep with Adam still in my arms.

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