Chapter 2: Crime Scene

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Adam and I are silent during the car ride over to the scene. It's only a mile from his place so we end up getting there pretty quickly. Luckily the only person who beat us there is Kevin. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I realized it was just Kevin.
"He won't say anything. At least not until after shift and not to anyone", Adam says reassuring me, though I didn't need it.
"Yeah I know, thank god," I half chuckle and then get out of the car and head over to Kevin.
"What do we have?" I ask. Kev looks up realizing it's Adam and I both. I see him look at the street at Adams car and then back at us. He misses a beat, but starts,
"32 year old Caucasian female. Shot one in the chest and stabbed 5 times, both arms and legs and across the abdomen", Kev states.
"That sounds like a hate crime," Adam comments. I nod in agreement and bend down to look at the body. Her shirt is raised up her torso.
"Do we know if she was pregnant?" I ask.
"I'm not sure, why? What are you thinking?" Kev asks.
"That looks like a c sections scar. My sister had one after Zoe was born." I say.
We all look at each other realizing what this could possibly mean. The rest of the team rolls up and I let them know I think this could have been to get her unborn child.
"I think Kim is right. I've seen it before. We'll have the coroner confirm. Listen up, we solve this case. No matter what. Nothing else matters until we find the child," Voight informs us. We all head back to the district after speaking with witnesses at the scene.

Adam,Kev and I are the last to leave.
"I don't think anyone notice the lack of a car, if you want you can ride back with me Kim. It'll raise the least amount of questions or you can ride with Adam," Kev says. I look from Kevin and Adam and back to Kevin. I want to ride with Adam, but Kevin has a point. I turn to Adam," Kevin is right, people won't think twice if I show up with him. Maybe we can catch lunch or dinner later and so we can talk," I suggest.
Adam nods," of course darling. It's no problem" he says with a smile. I smile back and we all get in the car and head back to the district.
Rojas is standing in the garage when we all arrive," I was wondering why there was 3 of you but 2 cars" she says.
"Oh yeah Kev drove me," I say.
"Do you guys often meet at the district before heading to a scene? I saw your car out there Kim?" She asks.
"Oh yeah, it wouldn't start last night. So Adam drove me home since everyone else had already left and Kev picked me up since he lives the closest", I say with a shrug. Then I head upstairs and I hear Adam following.
He pulls me into an office downstairs.
"I was even fooled with what happened," he said with a laugh.
"Guess working in this unit has helped my lying" I say laughing. He leans in kisses me.
"I needed to do that one more time before we got started", Adam says as he rests his forehead against mine. I nod my head in agreement. We never heard Kev round the corner until he said "guys Voight wants to know.." he starts.
Adam has his arms around my waist while my hands are on his shoulders.
"I wasn't going to ask, but I think that just explained everything," Kevin states.
"I'm going to head upstairs and you wait a few minutes," I saw to Adam. He nods and I leave.
"Sooo you and Kim?" Kev says to Adam.
"It just happened, I asked her over last night and for some reason she said yes. I don't know where it's going, but I'm going to enjoy it," Adam replies.
"Just don't hurt and don't get hurt either man," Kev says he slaps Adams back. They both head upstairs to join the rest of the team.

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