Chapter 5: Coroner Report

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"One thing I don't understand is the coroner said she was pregnant around 35 weeks. How could he have made that mistake?" Rojas asks.
"I think we need to have a chat with the coroner, who signed off?" Voight asks.
"Looks like Dr. Winston," Halstead stays.
"Who the hell is that?" Kev asks.
"Okay Kim and Kev you guys go talk to this coroner but don't let him know that we're suspicious. Upton and Rojas you two dig into this Winston guy and see what you can find out. Jay and Adam start talking to Med and Lake Shore to see if any surgical students suddenly became really good," Voight orders. They all nod and head off to their tasks.

"Let's start at Lake Shore, I hope my brothers Hospital isn't involved in something like this," Jay states.

Adam nods in agreement, he's always like med better and has a better relationship with the doctors. Plus Will always gives them some extra information.

They arrive at Lake Shore and talk to the head of surgery and part head of the resident program, Dr.Gale.
"Hi I'm Detective Halstead and this is my partner Officer Ruzek, we just have a few questions about your students," Jay starts.
"Is this about Stacey?"Dr. Gale interrupts.
"Why would you think that?" Adam asks.
"No one has heard from her today and she has never missed a day. I heard gossip that another student was jealous of her and was giving Stacey a real hard time," the Doc says.
"I'm sorry to tell you, but Stacey was found dead this morning. She was murdered. From what our team has found so far it appears to be someone doing or practicing surgery on an actual human body. The only organs missing were the Gallbladder and Appendix." Jay explains.
"Oh my gosh!" Gale exclaims SS he leans against the desk behind him.
"Sir are you okay?" Adam asks putting a hand on his shoulder.
"We just taught them how to remove those exact organs last week. They were supposed to show us in lab tomorrow and whoever did the surgery best on the cadaver for each organ got to be my number one assistant for the next case of each of the removals" Gale explains.
"That sounds like a pretty advanced part of their learning," Jay says.
"It's the surgeries we always start with since they are non vital organs." The Doc replies. He still shaking his head in disbelief.
"Look we want you to go ahead with the lab practical, let us know if anyone shows skills above where they've been taught", Adam instructs. Dr.Gale nods in agreement and promises to arrange to have at least one officer in the lab undercover.

Kevin wants to ask Kim about her Adam, but he knows her well enough to know that she needs time. Hell she probably doesn't even know what it all means or what she wants. He turns the radio up and to help fill the silence in the car on the short ride to the coroner's office.
Once they arrive they head to the morgue and find Dr.Coda, their normal coroner.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" Dr.Coda asks.
"We're looking for Dr.Winston he did an autopsy on our murder victim this morning," Kim explains.
"I'm sorry but you must have the wrong office, there is no Dr. Winston or any other doctors for that matter," Coda explains.
Kevin and Kim look at each other very confused and worried.

"Do you have Stacey Miller's body?" Kevin asks.
"Yes I do, I was actually going to call to say that the murder performed a very accurate autopsy" Coda starts, he doesn't finish his sentence once he realizes,"he was here. I don't know when or how. But he used my morgue to perform an autopsy on this lady".
"We're gonna post some officers out front just in case he would decide to return. You have both of our numbers. If you see anyone out of place please call us," Kim says. Dr. Coda agrees and they leave.
"This case keeps getting stranger at every turn," Kim says once they are back at the car.
"Girl I couldn't agree more," Kev says and they head back to the district.

At the District:

Rojas and Upton have been looking into this Dr.Winston for over an hour at this point.
"This is frustrating, I can't find anything. No credit card, no address, and sure as hell no medical license!" Rojas exclaims.
"Lake Shore doesn't have anyone with the first or last name of Winston as staff,volunteers or students," Upton states.
"This guy performed an autopsy, blacked out the camera, submitted his results, but does not exist!" Rojas says.
"Hey we'll catch a lead. Let's head back upstairs and see what the rest of the team found out," Hailey says.
"Or what they didn't find," Vanessa says.

Authors Note: I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life has been hectic. I'm going to try to update more regularly😊

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