Chapter 8: Moving Out

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I have 3 days left to be fully moved out of my apartment and turn my keys in. I sit on the floor of what used to be my living room and look around at the boxes. I can't believe it got to this point, I'll always help Nicole and Zoe the best I can. This time I just helped to much. I put my head in my hands. Disappointed that I let it get this bad, that I'm losing my apartment. I tried to work overtime but there's only so much of that right now. I take a deep breath and stand up. I have to load all these boxes up and take them to Adams place. It's going to take me several trips, but I guess I deserve the work. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I open it.

"Hey Burgess!" Kev says.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Did you think we are going to let you move all this by yourself?" Adam asks. I smile and let them in.
"I appreciate the help, I really do. I would have managed," I explain.
"This would have taken you all day by yourself, now you'll be moved in by lunch," Kev says. The boys start carrying boxes out to Adams truck and I put the lighter ones in my car. We will still have to make two trips in for my bigger furniture such as my bed and dresser. I sold my living furniture and table since Adam already has those.

After several hours and two trips with both vehicles completely full. I'm standing in my empty apartment. I can't help but feel sad that I have to leave this place. It was a treat to myself for making intelligence. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "you okay Kim?" Adam asks.
"Yeah I'm just sad that I lost this place" I say.
"Give it some time, you never know maybe this will lead to something even better" he says trying to reassure me. I smile and nod and then we leave, I turn around for one last look at the empty place I called my home for so long. We drop the keys off to the landlord and head over to Adams place.

I had bought the boys pizza when we got back to Adam's. A thank you gesture and because I know their stomachs. They are downstairs eating while I'm unpacking my room. I have so many boxes, going from my own place to basically just one bedroom is hard.
"You need any help?" Adam asks.
"No I'm okay, just trying to figure out what I absolutely can't live without and I'll get rid of the rest," I say sadly.
"You don't have to get rid of your things," Adam says.
"I'm going from a 2 bedroom apartment to just one bedroom, I have too much stuff," I say sheepishly.
"Kim, this is your home now too. Make it feel like yours, set out your pictures and Knick knacks. Clearly this place needs some decor anyways," he states. I just smile and he heads back to the kitchen to join Kevin.

I sit on the bed thinking about what he said. I'm living with Adam. We didn't even live together when we were engaged. Obviously the situation is different, but I can't believe this. Holy crap what is Nicole going to think, she hates him.

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