Chapter 19: Commander

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I keep taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I don't why I'm so nervous, I haven't done anything wrong. At least not that I am aware of. I wonder if it has something to do with the incident this morning. I reach down and grab my phone, I pull up Adams contact, he can ease my mind. Just as I'm about to hit it, Voights car pulls up. I lock my phone, take one last deep breath and get out of the car.
"Kim, I tried calling them but they won't give me any information. I have an FOP rep on standby in case we need them."
"What do you think this is about?"
"I have no idea. Well get through this"

I nod and follow him inside. We get to the commanders secretary and she motions us inside a large conference room. Inside is the commander, mayor, Chief Boden from firehouse 51 and Dr.Rhodes from med and Platt. I'm even more confused with the people present. Voight and I shake hands with everyone and as we finish the commander speaks,
"Everyone please take a seat. Except you officer Burgess"
I can feel my hands start to shake and I look at Voight he nods indicating to do what I'm told. The commander and I are standing in front of the table facing everyone else. I notice there's a photographer at the back of the room.

"The incident this morning", commander begins," has brought a lot of attention to this city. We've had lots of phone calls about what and how things went down today."
Oh gosh, yup I'm getting fired
"There's a common theme with all of the callers and that is Officer Burgess. Apparently one of the civilians on the track recorded the whole ordeal and posted it online. Officer Burgess's actions are front and center"
I gulp and look at Voight who seems just as confused.
"The common theme is that Officer Burgess saves many lives today on that track. The lives of civilians, first responders and the gunman himself. She did this without her Srg present or the help of a trained psychologist. She remained calm and ran the scene smoothly, smartly and effectively. These actions are one of a leader, a good leader and a good cop. You made this department and your district look good in a time that cops tend to only be filmed to look bad. At this time I would like to turn it over to Srg.Platt" he finishes and sits down and Platt joins me.
"Officer Burgess I have seen you transform from a shy, tentative, weak patrolmen to a outspoken, strong and confident member of intelligence. This job needs more strong cops and women like you. On behalf of the entire Chicago Police Department and the 21st district it is my honor to announce that you are being meritously promoted to detective."
What did she just say?!
"You did great work out there today Detective Burgess"
With that the room erupted with applause. Platt handed me my new badge while a bunch of photographers took pictures. The rest of the room joined in the photos as well. Once the photos are over, everyone starts talking among themselves. I feel an arm on my shoulder and turn to find Voight with a huge smile on his face.
"I'm so incredibly proud of you detective. Sorry I lied earlier. I did know what was going on, I signed off on it, but I was sworn to secrecy. You earned this Kim. You're a great cop and you're going to be a great detective"
"Thank you Srg. For everything. For believing in me enough to bring up to intelligence and to push me to be the best person and cop I could be. I'm completely honored to work with under you."
He gives me a hug and I can't help but smile. I let out the breath I have been holding since I got the phone call.
"Let's go back to the district and fill everyone else in." I nod and we say our goodbyes, everyone is understanding that I want to celebrate with my team. As we arrive at the district Voight asks if I wanna have fun with them. I smile knowing exactly what he means. We head up the stairs and wipe the smiles of our faces. The team and Wendy are huddled around one desk, they all turn when they heat us approach.
"Kim what happened?!" Kev basically shouts
"So I um got called down to headquarters about what happened this morning"
"You didn't do anything wrong!" Vanessa exclaims.
Voight places his hand on my arm, really trying to sell this.
"Well apparently someone videoed the whole ordeal and posted it online. They have received many calls about the videos. They have decided that I am no longer Officer material."
Everyone looks at each other, Adam yells "what the hell!? Srg can't you do something!" Voight shakes his head no. So I add
"There's nothing he can do, it's already done. I'm not longer an officer," I pause looking at all their sad faces before adding," because I've been meritoriously promoted to detective!!"
"What!" "Holy Hell" "congrats!" I hear all at once. They are start smiling and clapping and hug me one by one even Wendy
"Damn girl you scared me. They way you and Srg were acting I thought you got fired."
"Yeah we wanted to mess with you guys a bit" he hugs me once more and steps to the side. Adam is the last once. He hugs me tight and whispers,
"I'm so incredibly proud of you darling. No one deserves this as much as you do. I'm so freaking happy for you" he pulls back and kisses my forehead, he lingers for a minute. Then pulls away. When I came out of my Adam trance I realize everyone including Wendy just saw that and I instantly start blushing.
"It's about damn time you and special sauce got things sorted out," Platt says coming up the stairs. We all laugh at her nickname for Adam and it helps break then tension. Adam and Platt are teasing each other about something when Wendy walks up to me.
"Congratulations Kim. I know I don't really know you, but from what I've seen and what Adam has told me, you earned this."
"Thank you!"
"I want you to know that, I'm totally over Adam. I see the way he looks at you and the way you look at him. I would never come between that."
"I really appreciate that"
"With that being said, please don't leave Adams on my account. I don't want you to have to leave your home because of me, I can get a hotel."
"No don't be ridiculous! I won't lie I was a bit unsettled with you being here and staying with Adam. I think all of us should just stay at Adams. It makes the most sense and I'd like to get to know you"
"I'd like that" she says with a smile. Adam comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist,"I'm glad you decided to come home after all."  I smile and lean back into him.
"But before you go home, we're going to Molly's to celebrate!!" Kev exclaims
"Hell yeah!" Jay adds.
Vaness and Hailey both give me a big hug before we all head to Molly's. Voight and Platt decided to come as well, which is how I know that this isn't a dream. I actually got promoted. I'm a detective!!

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