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It's been 6 months since Adam asked me to marry him again. My memory is pretty much back. Just odd and end things that I don't remember and most of the attack I don't remember. The team caught the guys who hurt me and are spending a very long time in Stateville. Wendy has since sobered up and has returned back to her man. She calls at least once a week to check in, mainly because Adam blames himself still. Him and I have decided to buy a place of our own, we wanted to make something ours. It worked out pretty good actually because Kev took over Adams old place. He wants to bring his siblings home and getting out of his neighborhood is a place to start. Though I'm pretty sure he spend more time at our place than his own. He's over the moon that Adam and I are back together. He's always been our biggest supporter. I guess I almost left out the most important part, we're getting married tomorrow!! It was Adams idea, it's the anniversary of the first time he asked me to marry him. God the way he looked at me the night he came up with that idea, I knew without a doubt that this is what he wants. Nicole, Hailey, Trudy and Erin all got a hotel for me for the night and we're just hanging out getting ready for tomorrow. While Adam, Jay and Kev are at our place. In an odd turn of events, Voight is going to be officiating the wedding. He had supported Adam and his career more than anyone and had supported our relationship despite his no relationship rule. He said "you make Ruzek a better man and a better cop. You two can't be partners. But there's no way I'm letting either of you work for anyone else." That's when I asked if he would marry us, he was over the moon. At the end of the day intelligence really is a family, on and off the clock. I couldn't have asked for a better life. I'm living my dream and loving every minute of it. I'm a detective in the best unit in Chicago, working alongside the best cops who are also my best friends. My sister is finally turning things around and is happy. I have a home of my own and by the time tomorrow I'll be marrying the man I have been in love with since I met him. I can't wait to surprise him with Voight and the news of our baby...💕

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