Chapter 12: Light

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I feel something heavy on my side, but I can't seem to find the energy to move to see what it is. Everything feels heavy, my whole body does actually. I roll my head around, trying to get something to move. I finally get my eyes to open up and all I see is a bright light. I quickly shut them. UGHHHHH. I lay there for a few minutes and I try again, this time I open them slowly. I'm able to adjust to the light and I start to get my bearing straight. I look around and realize I'm in a hospital. I turn my head to see what is laying on my side, I just see hair. I try to move my arm and the person bolts straight up.

"Kim, you're awake! Are you okay?" Adam asks.

"What happened Adam?" I ask.

"You were shot. Do you remember?" He asks shyly.

"Yeah, I was wrestling for the gun. Am I okay?"

"Let me get Will in here, he can explain everything better."

I nod and try to relax, my head is pounding. I'm nervous to hear what Will has to say, I hope it isn't anything serious and I can return to duty soon.

"Hey Kim, it's good to see you awake," Dr. Halstead says.

"Am I okay? Can I work?" I ask nervously.

"You got lucky, the bullet hit the fleshy part of the thigh. It missed the femoral artery. You just need 6 weeks off and then you should be good to go to be cleared for full duty. I want you to stay in the hospital for one more day so we can manage your pain while you are awake. That way we know how you will do once discharge."

"Sounds good to me. Thanks, doc."

I look over at Adam who lets out a sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair. This is all to a familiar sight. Of course, last time I was shot, he said I love you when I woke up. For some reason, I get a pain in my chest at that thought. I shake my head, we're better off as co-workers and partners.

"You okay Adam?" I ask.

"Yeah, I didn't like seeing you this way the first time. I definitely didn't need to see you like this again"

"Hey, I'm okay. I'm going to be okay.

"Yeah I know"

Adam steps out of the room to call the rest of the team and give them an update. I'm left to my own thoughts and can't help but wonder what would have happened if the bullet was just a few inches a few to the left. I got lucky again. Last time Voight offered me a position in intelligence when I got shot, I wonder if I get another offer for something. I laugh at that thought, I need something to keep my spirits.

"What are you laughing at?" Adam asks.

"Nothing must just be a side effect of the medication I am on"
Adam shrugs his shoulders and sits back down. Thankfully, I never told him that Srg had offered me a position that day. I wasn't ready. Frankly I was scared. Getting shot sucks. Throughout the day the rest of the unit and Platt all visits. Adam finally agrees to go home to shower when Platt convinces him she'll stay until he gets back.

"That boy cares a hell of a lot about you."
"I care about him"
"He's seen you shot twice now. I have never seen him that concerned about anyone. Not even Hailey when you both were kidnapped."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Special sauce is better when he's with you. So are you when you're with him. Just something to think about".

That's where she leaves it when she goes back to reading her magazine. I'm left to my own thoughts. Could I still mean so much to him? I know he's wanted a relationship before, but after Hailey I figured he had truly moved on. This isn't what I need, I'm living in his house for crying out loud. It doesn't need to be more complicated.

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