Chapter 4: Baby?

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"I'm Officer Burgess and this my partner Officer Ruzek we spoke on the phone regarding a case, Stacey Miller", I says to the receptionist.
"Yes follow me officers," we nod and follow her into an office.
"Officers this is Dr.Day, she was Staceys GYN" the receptionist tells us.
"It's nice to meet you," Adam says. The doctor nods.
"Was Stacey pregnant?" I ask.
"What? No" Dr. Day replies.
"Are you sure about that?" I ask again.
"Stacey was infertile there is no way that she could get pregnant. She had a complete hysterectomy 3 years ago due to cancer cells" Dr. Day says. She pulls out staceys chart to shows us. Adam and I are shocked and just stare at each other.
"Thank you for your time," Adam says.
"Find the monster who did this" Dr. Day says. We both nod and head to the car.
"This doesn't make any sense. She was cut just like a c section. What else could it mean?" I say more to myself than to Adam. He grabs my hand and spins me around so my back is against the car.
"Let's take this win for now, that there's no missing baby out there" Adam says. I let out a breathe realizing how much I was worried about the baby.
He leans his forehead against mine, "lets give Jays brother a call and see if there's another reason for that kind of incision" Adam says.
I nod and we get back in the car. I call will on our drive back to the district.

Back at the district.

"We have good news and not so good news" Adam starts.
"What did you find out?" Rojas asks.
"Well Stacey wasn't pregnant so it wasn't a baby that they cut out of her," Adam explains.
"Then what?" Kev asks.
"Well I called Will and asked him what he thought it might be" Jay nods at the sound of his brothers name. " he said to look for missing organs, so I asked the corner and she said that after further examination the appendix and gallbladder were removed" I explain.
"So someone is looking for black alley organs," Jay states.
"Well not exactly, those organs are not ones that are needed to survive and are not one that are typically transplanted. Will says he's head of a case of a medical student practicing surgeries on living breathing people," I says.
Everyone goes quiet, not sure what to say.
"Let's dig into every medical school and program in the state and see if anyone jumps out to them" Voight orders. We all nod and get to work. I text Will to say thank you for the assistance and give him an update.

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