Chapter 9: First Morning

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I wake up suddenly, I sit right up in bed with the intense urge that I need to throw up. I run down the hall to the guest bathroom and I make it just in time. Once I finish bringing back up everything that I had the day before, I stand up and wash my face. The cool water feels so good against my hot skin. I struggle to brush my teeth, gagging through most of it. I guess with all the stress of everything from work, to my sister, to moving in with Adam I must have caught a bug. I take some vitamins and Pepto to help settle my stomach before heading downstairs. Adam isn't awake yet, which is great because he did not need to see what just happened in the bathroom, sexy right? Why do I care if Adam thinks I'm sexy? Yeah, we hooked up recently, but that wasn't the first time since we broke up. I will always find him attractive, especially when he gives me that look. The look that made me fall in love with, that I am the only woman in his world. I shudder at that thought, it had been a long time since I was that woman. We both have had other relationships, Blair and Hailey. I still feel horrible about Blair. Footsteps on the stairs bring me out of my thoughts. I quickly throw my hair up into a ponytail and start looking in the fridge as if I had a reason to be down here.

"Good morning, are you okay? I thought I heard you running to the bathroom," Adam asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just think I have some sort of stomach bug. I hope it's only one of those 24-hour things," I reply.

"I hope so. Are you looking for something in particular?" he asks as he nods towards the fridge that I have open.

"Anything bedsides eggs, which seems like I have too high of hopes," I joke.

"Yeah sorry about that, I eat out a lot. You know that I can't cook to survive my life. That hasn't changed. We can just stop and grab something on the way into work," he suggests.

"Sounds good to me. I'm going to shower if that's okay..?" I ask sheepishly.

"Kim it is your home now as well, you do not need to ask to do anything," he says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Adam, for all of us. If I could ask for one more favor, I would prefer if the rest of the team didn't know about this. I already struggle with needing to prove myself that I don't want to seem irresponsible, plus you know all the rumors that would start if people found out we are living together," I say.

"Whatever you want, I am okay with," he replies. 

I smile and head upstairs and take a long hot shower. I am just about finished when my phone rings and I see that it is Voight. I cut the water off quickly and dry one hand and ear on a towel before answering.

"Officer Burgess," I say.

"Kim, do you have a few minutes to talk?" he asks.

"Um yeah ..of course," I reply nervously.

"Let's meet up for coffee on 32nd street, you know the place?" he asks.

"I do, I can be there in about 20 minutes," I inform him.

"Great, see you then," he says and hangs up.

I finish drying off, but I can't help but feel like that was such a strange phone call and I am worried about this meeting. OH MY, what if he thinks I am no longer cut off for intelligence. I quickly dress and head down the hall and let Adam know about the call. He assures me everything is okay, but I am not as confident. I tell him that I will meet him at the district and he nods in agreement. I get in my car and head towards the dinner, it is my favorite breakfast spot in the city. I sit in my car for a few moments before taking a long deep breath and heading inside. I find Voight sitting in a corner booth. He smiles as I approach.

"Kim, good morning," he greets

"Good morning srg.," I respond as I sit down in the booth. We order some light breakfast and a coffee.

"Let me start by saying you are not in trouble in any way shape or form, I can see it on your face," he starts. I feel myself let out the breath that I am pretty sure I have been holding since I got the phone call this morning.

"I heard somethings and I wanted to know how true it is and I know you do better with face to face than phone calls and frankly so do I," Voight says.

"You are the person who taught me that," I say which causes him to show a rare smile.

"I heard that Nicole got into some financial issues and had to file for bankruptcy since her divorce and the attack and her recovery. Since she was involved in a case with a homicide we get notifications when a party involved has any other legal contacts," he explains.

"Yeah, she had a hard time handling everything that happened and being able to process it herself, let alone try to raise Zoe and help her understand why her mom is so sad all the time. She missed a lot of work and her ex wasn't paying child support. It was just one domino after another, "I reply

"That was what I was assuming and I hope she is able to find the help that she needs. I also heard that you were helping keep her afloat at the risk of your own finances. That it has gotten so bad for you as well, that you lost your apartment," He says with a concerned face.

I put my head down in shame, "that is true as well. She is my sister, I couldn't just let her struggle and I didn't realize how deep in I was until it was too late. There's not enough overtime in the world to help me pay both mine and Nicole's bills and I wouldn't be comfortable living with her. A lot of parts of my job triggers her anxiety, "I explain.

"Kim, do not be ashamed. You were helping your family and nothing is more honorable than that. I just wish you would have come to me before things go too bad, I could have helped in any way possible. Do you have a place to stay? Hotels do not count either," he replies.

"I didn't want anyone at work to think that if I am irresponsible with my money than how could I be a good cop. I am actually staying with Adam for the time being, I sort of spilled my guts to him. Of course, Adam being Adam he wouldn't let me say no. Honestly, there's no one else in the unit I'd feel comfortable staying with. Hailey and Vaness are maxed out on bedrooms, Jay and I are not that close, I wouldn't feel comfortable staying with my sergeant, Trudy has Mouch and Kevin is dealing with all his brother's crap. Adam isn't ideal, but it is better than nothing," I explain.

"I'm not surprised that Adam had you move in with him, don't worry I won't tell anyone. I am sure the rumor mill would be spinning like crazy. I do think you should let the unit know, we are a family and it's easier to handle tough times with a family. In the meantime, we both know that Adam will take good care of you. No one thinks you are a bad cop, Kim. I'm not supposed to say anything, but I have been pushing for you to make detective. Adam and Kev too, just all the political crap lately is getting in the damn way," He says with a smile. I can't help, but notice his smirk when he talks about Adam being willing to help me out.

"Wow I was not expecting that, thank you Srg, just the recommendation means a lot to me," I say with a big grin. Voight's phone starts to ring and he answers it. I can tell by the look on his face it has something to do with the case. I ask for the bill, which Voight refuses to let me help with. He fills me on the details of the call as he texts the rest of the unit. He tells me to fill everyone in when I get back to the district and he will be there shortly.

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