Chapter 6: Dr.Winston

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The team fills each other in on what they have discovered during their separate investigations. Each new turn makes them more and more shocked.
"Look we know this guy has to be a student at Lake Shore, so we are going to interview and grill every last student they have. If someone does not show, it'll tell us everything we need to know. We have to find this prick before he makes more of a mockery of the system," Voight exclaims.
The team nods and heads to Lake Shore. They know they're going to have a long day ahead of them and they are going to have be on their best game to out smart this guy. He's not their average killer, he's calculated and manipulative, but none the less. Intelligence will figure him out, they're the elite team.

After a long day conducting interviews, they have not found anyone who is suspicious but two students didn't show. Mark Miller and Nick Elliott. Voight tells them to call it a night and they'll start digging into the two students first thing in the morning. The team is thankful to go home after a long day sitting in chairs asking the same questions and getting the same responses.

At the District:
Kevin and Adam and I are the last ones in the locker room. Adam walks over to me,"do you want any company tonight?" He asks.
I looks over at Kev who gives me a reassuring smile.
"Yeah I think I do. Why don't we go to Molly's for a few drinks with everyone and then you can come over to place for awhile," I suggest.
Adam nods "awesome I'll see you at Molly's". He smiles and walks over to Kev, giving him a light lunch the chest. Kev just shakes his head knowing how damn happy Adam is in the moment. He hopes these two can work their past out and they all can go back to hanging out more frequently. He missed spending time with both his best friends, they were like the 3 musketeers.

I head over to Molly's and everyone but Voight is there as usual. We joke around and have a few beers together, happy to let loose after a stiff day. We're use to a bit more action than we saw today. I can't help but look around and smile, I'm where I want to be career wise surrounded by other great cops/detectives. I hope one day I can rank up to detective. Adam putting his hand on my back brings me out of my thoughts, "since you already look like they aren't here anymore, do you wanna head out?" He whispers in my ear. I nod. "How are we getting out of here without anyone suspecting anything?" I ask.
"Leave that part to me darlin," he tells me.
He disappears to the bathroom and I'm confused as to what he's planning. Then my phone rings, I pick it up from the table and see it's Adam. "Excuse me", I say to the group.
"Hello," I say as I answer the phone.
"Look really concerned and tell me that Zoe is really sick and your sister is freaking and needs extra hands," Adam says.
"I'll be right there!" I exclaim as I walk back to the group.
"Everything good Burgess?" Kev asks.
"No that was a Nicole. Zoe is pretty sick and she's freaking out not sure if she should take her to med or not so I'm gonna head over to check on them," I say.

Everyone nods and I leave in what looks like a hurry. Adam texts me to say that he'll be over in 10mins. Apparently he told them he needed to head home before he was to drunk to drive, which has happened many times.

I'm sitting on the couch waiting on him to come, I'm hoping we can have a chance talk and hopefully kiss some more.

Authors note: I realized that I switched the POV in the last chapter so I tried to fix it for this one. I apologize.

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