Chapter 24: Filling in the Gaps

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Adam finished telling me what happened to Nicole. I can't be,I've I could forget something so big.
"That's kinda how you lost your place. Nicole struggled for awhile and you tried to support her and Zoe but you didn't realize how bad it was. I offered you to stay with me and we slowly started building our friendship again and possibly something more"
"Adam, thank you. For everything. I'm sure this can't be easy on you, especially the me waking up and thinking we are engaged still part" he nods and looks at his shoes.
"I never stopped loving you Kim. I tried but I can't."
"Now that I do remember. Adam I know this is different for me than it is than it is for you. I never doubted your love for me. From what I remember it what the lack of planning from you. I don't know if you've already heard this or not."
"I have, but it's still nice hearing again"
"So we have dated other people?"
"Yeah you dated matt who was an attorney but he got tangled up in a case and you had to choose him or intelligence. There was Blair, he was a good guy. He worked for the guy who was running for mayor but was trying to destroy intelligence. He unfortunately got murdered. It hit you hard. You really liked him. Of course Sean, after he got shot he wanted to you to run away from Chicago with him but you're heart and job were here. I dated Hailey and some flings but nothing really serious. One even told you how hung up on my ex I still am"
"Wow that sounds like a lot. I remember the names and some memories but not all the details. I remember Blair dying and me finding him. I barely remember Matt. Sean, Sean never supported my desire to come to intelligence. Not like you. That I remember. You backed me on that"
"Kim you're great police, you deserve intelligence. Oh my god! Do you remember your promotion?"
"To intelligence?"
"No, damn it! You just got meritoriously promoted to detective for how you handled an active shooter situation. You ran the scene like a badass Kim"
"I'm a detective...?"
"Yes, you beat me and Kev to that of course. You deserve it."
"So do you Adam."
"I'm gonna say something completely crazy, I don't know if it's us reconnecting and reminiscing and how close we've gotten. But hey it's was fast the first time too."
Confused I watch him stand up and pull his keys out of his pocket. He takes the ring of the chain. Before I know it, he's down on one knee,
"Kim I love you. I always have and always will. I know this is crazy, probably crazier than the first time. I have almost lost you several times. I can't lose you. I was gonna to do this before you got hurt and the amnesia. Darling, will you marry me? For real"
Can I marry someone even though I can't remember major details of years of my life. I can't help but to think about how awful I felt when I found it I broke off the engagement. What do I do. He's looking at me like he's about to explode.
"Adam, I...I love you. That never changed, that I do remember. We still have work to do with us. Between us. I still want to get my memory back."
"I understand" he starts to stand up.
"But I want to marry you. I know that. I remember all the times that we would be hanging out with the team off the clock and I wonder what it would be like if we were married. I remember exactly how I feel about you Adam. So. Yes. Yes I'll marry you"
"Really?" "Yes! Now give me back my ring!"
He chuckles and slides the ring back in my finer, it feels like it never left. Probably because I don't remember all the details of taking it off. But I know this time, it's staying in. For good. I look down at it and smile.
"I'm gonna marry you, god I love you Kim"
"I love you Adam" he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh, from going from one of the worst moments of my life, to one of the best. It's been a day. I know that even if my memory never fully returns, having Adam by my side is all I cares about. We can create new memories together. The first big one being our wedding. I can't help but smile. I'm not letting anyone ruin it this time. Or anything. I should have married this man years ago, but life happens. I'm gonna marry him this time, that I know. We'll figure the rest out later. I have to tell Nicole! Damn Nicole, I feel awful that I didn't remember such a huge event in her life. I shake my head, I'll think about that later. Right now I'm going to focus on time with my fiancé. I smile and sink into the couch with Adam. This is where I'm meant to be, I can feel it in my soul...

Authors Note:
I know this isn't the greatest ending, I'm going to do a prologue. But I feel like this story has gone on for so long, I need to wrap it up. Thank you all for sticking right me and hopefully I'll have the ending up this week.

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