Chapter 16: Training

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, as I reach over I see that it is Voight. He just wants everyone to come in today for some deescalation training. I have to laugh when he says that he called me and not Adam because he knows how hard it is to wake him up in the morning. I hang up with him and head down the hall. I knock on Adam's door and slowly walk into the room. He's snoring and is definitely sleeping well. I walk over to the bed and gently shake his arm while calling his name. He stirs around and after a few seconds he rolls over to see that I'm standing there.

"Kim? Is everything okay?"
"Yes, voight just wants everyone to come in for some training, he just called me and asked me to relay the message to you."
"Mmmm okay"
"I'll make us some breakfast and then come back and wake you up again."
I laugh as I head downstairs to make some food. After about 10 minutes I head back to his room and try to get him awake, I'm surprised to find him sitting up in bed on his phone. He looks up when he hears me walk into the room.

"Hailey texted me, she wants to know if I can meet her for drinks after work. Said she wants to talk."
"Oh okay".
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong Adam."
"Why do you like sad?"
"I thought we could go on that date tonight, I just hadn't gotten around to asking you. But it's okay, go talk with Hailey tonight and we can see if tomorrow works for us."
"Kim, I didn't know. I can cancel with Hailey. I didn't..."
"No don't do that, it's fine really. Anyways breakfast is ready." I turn to leave when I hear Adam whisper," I would rather the spend the evening with you".

I smile and keep walking,least I know he's over her. At least I think so. We eat in silence and then get dressed, we drive in separate cars since he has his drinks with Hailey tonight. There's definitely some awkward tensions when I get to work with Hailey. I don't know what she wants to talk to him about, I'm nervous now. I try to focus on what the Instructor is saying ,but I can't seem to. I can't help but think that maybe I missed my chance with Adam. What if he chooses Hailey over me? Kevin keeps glancing over at me so when we break for lunch,him and I head out together.

"Everything okay?"
"I don't know"
"What is it Burgess? "
"Hailey texted Adam to meet after work for drinks so they can talk and it just feels awkward right now. Plus the other day she seemed uncomfortable with me being at Adam's place when she stopped by. What if I'm too late? What if she wants to say she misses him, it was only supposed to be a break?"
"Burgess breathe. I know two things for sure about Adam's feelings, he has and will always love you and that him and Hailey did not have the same kind of relationship that you two did. You have nothing to worry about."
" I hope so".

We finish our lunch and make plans for him to come over after shift so I'm not driving myself crazy wondering what is happening. We'll order pizza, have some beer, watch some hockey, it's kind of our thing. I can't wait to destress with my best friend. Though sometimes I wish Erin was still here, don't get me wrong Kevin gives good advice, but Erin always told me the truth even if it would hurt me. I didn't always like it, but it was what I need to hear. Maybe I'll shoot her a text and we can FaceTime later on. I do just that and she told me to FaceTime her after Adam gets back and hopefully he tells me what Hailey wanted to talk about. I'm able to focus the rest of the day knowing I have two friends in my corner no matter what happens. As cliche as it sounds, it takes seeing the possibility of losing Adam to realize that I still love him and I definitely have romantic feelings for him. Im pretty sure I always will.....

Authors Note: Sorry if this chapter is all over the place. I wanted to get across that Kim is starting to realize she wants Adam. The next chapter will have him and Hailey.

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