Chapter 23: Amnesia

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It's been a week since I woke up and I'm slowly starting to remember things. I don't remember calling things off with Adam, but I do remember a guy named Blair and whenever I think about him I'm sad but also happy. Not the kind of happy I feel when I look at Adam. I still can't understand why I called things off with him, but by the sounds of it he doesn't really know either.

"Burgess you're up!" Trudy exclaims as she walks in my room.
"Yes for hours now"
"Good we need to talk about boy wonder"
"Yes. He's having a hard time with this. Yes you can't remember. But he does. That boy never stopped loving you. Not ever. For you to wake up and think you're still engaged, it nearly broke him. Kim he wants nothing more than to be engaged to you. To marry you."
"I really broke his heart didn't I? Why did I do it?"
"My honest opinion? Roman but thoughts in your head that Adam didn't want to actually get married. But that was because Roman wanted to be with you and then he left the second things got hard. Kim he never supported you moving to intelligence, he didn't want you to advance your career. Adam. Adam wants everything for you, intelligence, detective. He's always supported you.
"That, I remember. It's one of the reasons that I fell in love with him. He never doubted my abilities as a cop"
"My point is, be easy on him. I'm pretty sure, you're his world. I don't know how you feel. But don't hurt him again, last time he ran from intelligence but came back. I'm not sure he'd come back again..." with that there was a knock on the door.
"Am I interrupting?" Platt and I look up to see Adam leaning against the door. I can feel my cheeks get hot so I turn away.
"No, just telling Burgess she needs to get back to work" Platt winks at me and then leaves.
"You know deep down, she really cares about you" Adam says as he sits in the chair beside my bed.
"She really cares about you too" he looks at me super confused.
"She came here to tell me to not hurt you again. Look Adam I don't remember why I ended things between, but I do know every time I look at you. The world goes black. No one matters but you. I'm not sure where we were before my amnesia but I would like it if we could start dating again. If that's okay with you" I play with my fingers while I wait for him to respond.
"Kim I have never stopped loving which is why what I'm about to say will make very little sense. Yes before you got hurt we were moving back towards us being an us. But I want to make sure that you still want me, today me, not 5 years ago me."
"So you don't want to date me?" I blink to try to hide the tears.
"Kim, that's not what I mean" he grabs my hand as he continues, "I'm saying let's go on a few dates when you get out of here and if you still want me. Today me. Then I'll be the one asking you out again. You don't know how long and badly that I've been wanting you to be mine. I want to do this right this time." I lean forward and kiss his cheek.
"You really are the best" he just smiles and leans back in the chair, never letting go of my hand.
"Kim! You ready to blow this popsicle stand?!" Dr.Halstead asks.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes! You're so clear medically. Your memory may or may not come back. Just don't force it. Take a few weeks off work. You can do light duty, I know you guys don't like sit at home. Plus being around work and your friends can help your amnesia. Of course you have to have someone with you at home just to be safe." He nods towards Adam. Who smiles and nods his head yes.
"Okay, here's your paperwork. Let me get a nurse to wheel your out. You're all set to go"
"Thank you!" Adam and I both say at the same time. He helps me out of bed and gets me dressed. A nurse wheels us out to adams car and we head back to his place. I can see him watching me out of the corner of his eyes. I can't help but stare at the ring on his keychain. I can't believe he still has it, did I notice it before?
"So who is Hailey and what happened to Erin?"
"Oh yeah. Erin was in some trouble cause of her mom, so she took a job in New York. Left without telling anyone but Voight. Jay didn't even know, he was gonna propose. He was a mess for awhile. Hailey was a detective from Robbery Homicide that we worked a case with. Voight liked her police work and attitude so when Erin left, he asked her to a part of intelligence. You should also know, Kim, Hailey and I dated for a short time. It was more physical than anything. I want to be honest with you." I can tell he's nervous.
"Adam, I can't be mad at you for dating someone else. I'm sure I dated other people too. I can't believe Jay was gonna propose!"
"Yeah you have. It was crazy, I didn't realize they were that serious. But I'm pretty sure him and Hailey are into each other." I just nod.
"So how's Kevin? And how did I lose my place belong Nicole?"
"That's gonna be a tough one. Let's wait till we get home. Nicole told me I could tell you. As for Kevin, he's happy that you and I were working things out. We've all missed hanging out together. I think he always felt like he had to choose, though neither of us ever asked him too. He cares about us both" I nod, I do remember them two getting close. This amnesia is annoying, I can remember small things but not massive things like an end of my engagement. What is he gonna tell me about Nicole? I think I remember her being involved with a case but I don't understand how..

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