Chapter 21: Its all my fault

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Adam's POV*****
"Speech!" Severide yells.
Kim turns red, she hates being the center of attention, but she deserves this. I feel my phone vibrate and it's a message from Alexia "meet me now at 1578 Potomac st. Bring Wendy"
I show Wendy the text and I decide not to ruin Kim's night and speech so we slip out without telling anyone. I'll shoot Kev a text later explaining what's going on,once I know.
"What does he want?" Wendy asks.
" I have no clue, probably something about the deal. These guys are weird, they don't think like normal people do. Im a bit worried, usually dealers don't like to move fast but I don't want Wendy to know that. After about 45 minutes we roll up to the address. I should Kevin a text just so someone knows where we are. I'm taking my surroundings in before getting out the car.
"I have a bad feeling about this" Wendy says.
"I think I'm gonna have to agree with you on this. There's no lights on inside and there's no other cars here.
"Let me ping the phone that the text came from."
I pull up my iPad and start a trace on the number, of course it's a burner phone. Wendy and I make some chitchat while we wait on the trace to finish, after about 10 minutes finally comes back.
"Oh shit, we need to go!" I say as I start to speed away. I start off so fast that it slings Wendy around in the car.
"Adam what is it? You're scaring me." She says.
"The text, it came from my house"
"Oh my god Adam. I'm so sorry I never wanted you to get involved and I definitely didn't want to mess up things for you" she says half hysterical.
"Hey it's okay, it's just a house. No one should be home." At least I hope Kim isn't. I'm sure she's still celebrating, I have to shake that thought out of mind. The next 20 minutes are pretty silent, unfortunately this isn't something I can use a siren for so I'm trying to drive responsibly.
"Hey that's a text, can you check it for me? It's probably Kevin. I texted him the address in case something went south" I say. Wendy nods and picks up my phone, "it's from a group chat named Intelligence"
"Go ahead and read it, we might have caught a case"
"Okay. Let's see, it's from Kim, it says SOS @ Adam's " Wendy's face turns white as she says. This.
"Shit!!! She shouldn't be home" I don't care, I turn my lights and sirens on and start to haul ass home. God they better not hurt Kim. I notice that Wendy appears to be crying out of the corner of my eye, but I honest don't have time for that right now. I need to get home. I need to Kim.  As I turn the corner onto my street, I see Voight and Halsteads vehicles hear. Good, I'm sure those two got a handle on the situation.
"Stay here. Stay down and keep the doors locked" I tell Wendy. I pull my gun out of the holster and run inside.
"CPD" I yell.
" Ruz, Halstead has the suspects out back. Go help him" Voight yells back.
"Is Kim okay?" I shout back,
"Go help Halstead," he says agai. And I can tell that I'm not to argue with this. I head out back to see Halstead kneeling on one guys and his gun pointed at the other.
"Ruz cuff that guy"
"You got it man" I cuff him and we got both the guys out front to a waiting patrol, car. I notice the rest of intelligence has arrived but I haven't seen them.
"Jay, is she okay? Did you see her?"
"Adam she took a beating. It's. It's not good man."
I almost collapse right there in my porch but jay holds me up.
" hey she's a fighter, if anyone can bounce back it's Kim"
I nod, trying it to lose my my shit in front of him,  im also terrified to see her with the way Jay is acting. Few things shake him, he's definitely shaken. I just stand there, with jays hand on my shoulder as an ambulance rolls up and Kevin comes running down to meet them.
"She's upstairs. She took one hell of a beating. To her face and ribs especially " the paramedics nod and head upstairs and Kev turns to me.
"Adam, she looks pretty bad right now man. You need to hold it together for her, okay? She's going to need you. She's going to need all of us" he trails off as the medics bring her out of the house.
"Kim!! Oh god!!" I scream. I feel my knees give out and jay and Kevin grab me. Her face is covered in blood, she looks dead, she's unrecognizable. Oh god.oh god.

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