Chapter 18: Wendy

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Adam hasn't said much this morning. I ended up falling asleep with him still in my lap and when I woke up he was gone.  It just gone from the bed, but from the apartment. It was a bit strange but I figured with everything he just found out, he just needed seem time to clear his head. I make breakfast and shower before heading into the district.
"Good morning Platt"
" Morning Burgess", she looks up and adds "where is special sauce?"
" I'm not sure. He was gone this morning before I woke up"
She looks at me puzzled.
"Do you know who Haileys new CI is."
"No, why do I care?"
" It's Wendy. Adam's fiancé before me"
"Shut the front door!  I wonder boy wonder hasn't came in yet."
I just nod and head upstairs. I turn back to see Platt leaning on the desk still looking confused.

Everyone but Adam is here when I get upstairs. Hmm I wonder where he is. I go to my desk and start working on some paperwork that I have been putting off.
"Kim, is Adam okay?" Haileys asks. When I look up everyone is looking at me, guess everyone knows.
" I honestly don't know. He came home last night and was confused and upset with himself. He was gone before I got up this morning. He didn't leave a note or anything. I thought he just came in early, but maybe he went to look for her"
" Could he find her, after all this time?"
" I can and I did"
We all turn to see Adam standing at the top of the stairs with Wendy next to him. I can't help but notice that they're holding hands.
"This is Wendy. She is helping Hailey bust a top drug dealer. Since she and I used to be engaged, I wanted to check on her." He looks at me as he says this. I smile and head to get a coffee, I need a minute to process all this. I hear footsteps and the door shut behind me.
" I'm sorry I was gone this morning. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I had to find her and makes sure she was okay. I went to her parents, who were less than thrilled to see me, but they pointed me in the right direction. I found her sleeping on a bench, she's homeless Kim. I hope it's okay, but I told her she can stay with us until she gets back on her feet. I'll just sleep on the couch and she can have my room."
" that's nonsense Adam. It's your apartment. I'll just stay with Hailey and Vanessa and she can sleep in my room"
"Kim, I'm ..."
"Don't worry about it Adam. She needs your helps and it'll be a bit crowded with all of us, plus awkward"
I smile and pat his shoulder as I walk by him. I text Hailey asking if it's okay if I stay with them for a few days and explain the living situation I am in. She and Vanessa are completely fine without, thankfully. I head back to my desk and continue working on paperwork. Hailey, Adam and Jay are working with Wendy to track down the dealer and set up a buy. Adam going undercover of course. Our radios go off that shots are fired at the police,  Voight sends Kev, Rojas and I to respond. I catch Adam out of the corner of my eye as we're rolling out, hes smiling laughing at something Wendy said. I can't help but feel a pain in my chest. Kev grabs my arms and looks at me, I nod and we quickly rush to the scene of the crime.

It's pure chaos when we arrive, a guy opened fire on a subway platform, police fired back. There's civilians running and taking cover everywhere.
"Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" The three of us all start yelling. There's way to many people here to get involved in a shootout.
I radio for back up, " this is 5021 Eddie, I'm requesting additional back up. Send all available units. Notify swat. Initate mass triage and send as many ambulances as possible. Many gunshot wounds to civilians and officers. Notify med of the incoming trauma"
Once my message goes across the air, my cell rings and its Voight.
" Burgess, do you need us? We can roll out now"
" No keep running the the drug dealer case, we got this."
"You're in charge. Intelligence runs the scene. I'll notify swat"
" yes srg.
"Burgess, you all come home tonight, okay?"

I hang up and relay the mess auto Kev and Vanessa. We have set up a command station outside the subway station. Swat has just pulled up and asked who is in charge.
" Officer Burgess, I'm in charge. This is intelligences scene. We have the cops on the track holding fire until we can get the civilians out. There's at least 30 stuck up there. Plus 15 more injured. Ambulances and a trauma surgeon from Med are on the way to set up their mass tragedy triage."
" what's your plan?"
" I want my two officers on the tracks, they're gonna sneak up from the next stop to hide and be in position if we need to take out the gunman. Send a swat guy with them. I need the rest of your team to go up with shields and start evacuating the platform. I'm gonna go up and see if I can talk this guy down."
He nods and everyone heads off to do their job. I take a deep breathe, holster my weapon and head to the platform. I had instructed the swat leader to call my Srg to keep him updated.  I reach the platform and the gunman turns and points his weapon at e.
" I'm officer Burgess, I'm here to get you and everyone else out of this alive. What's your name."
" I'm John. I don't want anything so there's nothing to negotiate."
" Okay John. If there's itching you want, then what do you intend on happening here. You opened fire on a subway platform full of civilians and then shot at the police."
" I want it all to end."
" you want what to end?"
" My life."
As he says that I realize this guy wants to suicide by cop. Basically he commits a crime that is serious enough to for cops to open fire in hopes we'll kill him. People do this when they want to die but don't want to be the one who kills themselves. I key up my radio and as quietly as possible I say, "5021 Eddie requesting Dr. Charles assistance from Med ASAP. " I let go and wait for dispatch to give me a response. I have an ear piece in so I'll be able to hear but John won't. After about a minute dispatch informs me that the doc can't make it to the scene, he's involved with a situation at med"
Great, just great. I'm in this alone.
" this isn't he way to go John. You've so many people already. No one else needs to get hurt. These cops are t firing unless I give the. The order too"
" I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. It went wrong so fast. I did t k ow there was a cop on the platform. I so sorry."
" I believe you. But that doesn't change that you hurt several people. You're going to have to pay for that."
" I will with my life."
" you're not going to die today John. Not by me or any officers on this platform"
" then I'll do it myself" As he turns the gun on himself.
" no! John don't do that." I start moving towards him. He's crying and shaking so i take the opportunity and charge at him. I knock him down and wrestle him for the gun. The gun goes off once before I can grab it. I hear voices in my ear asking if I'm okay, I can't make out who is who. I see Kev and  Vaness at my side, I look down to see that John is crying. I look up to see the shot hit the roof of the station. I let out a breathe and stand up. Kev cuffs the guy and Vanessa radios that the offender is in custody. My phone rings immediately and I look down to see that is is Adam calling.
" Kim, are you okay."
" yeah I'm fine, the gun went off but it hit the ceiling."
" we tried radioing but no answer"
"I couldn't make out who was talking, there was so many at once. I'm fine"
"Good I'm glad" I hear him talking to someone in the background.
" Kim I'm sorry but I have to go. The deal is about to happen and I need my head in the game.
" good luck"
With that he hangs up. I head out of the platform and and debrief with the swat leader. A patrol officer has already taken John to the district and then Kev, Rojas and I head back as well. When we get back no on is upstairs, guess everyone is at the deal. I start working on the paperwork for what just went down. My desk phone rings
" intelligence this is Burgess."
" Burgess this is Commande Fisher, can you come down to headquarters as soon as possible?"
"Yes sir. I'll leave right now"
" See you then officer"
I hang up and turn to Kev to fill him in. He tells me to relax and is sure it's nothing but to call Voight anyways. I call him on the way to headquarters and he says he'll meet me there.
I sit in my car and wait for Voight to show up. I have no clue why the commander wants me down here. My hands are shaking and sweating. I'm trying to even out my breathes.

Adam's POV***
Were all upstairs when we hear the shots fired at police call and Voight sends Kim, Kevin and. Alessandro to the scene. Wendy is telling a joke about something I had done in the past, when I look up to tell Kim to be safe she's already gone. She's with Kev so I know she's in good hands. The plan is I'm a guy from caneryville ( true of course) and I'm looking for product for the neighborhood. My last supplier went to jail. Wendy and I know each other, from mutual friends and she told me about this gig she's been working. The meet is to go down in an hour. As were gearing up in the garage we all hear Kim's message requesting backup. Voight says to stay on task and he'll call her to see if she need us to respond. He comes back moments later and says that she's got this and knows what to do. We roll out to the meet. Wendy and I are sitting in the car waiting for the dealer.
" why didn't you come to me Wendy?"
" at first I was to embarrassed to admit that I needed help, let alone yours.  Y the time I accepted that I needed your help, I was in too deep and didn't want you to hate me"
" I do t hate you Wendy"
" I know that. The drugs make me feel differently."
" why happened to the guy in Seattle?"
" Hes great Adam, he really is. I love him. My best friend died and I survived. Bad car accident. I couldn't cope so I turned to drugs. He tried to help me, but I needed space so I came back to Chicago. I know he tracks my phone so he knows where I am, he is just giving me some time to figure myself out"
I nod as a car pulls up, Wendy indicates that it's the dealer. We get out of the car.
" hey who is this?"
" this is Ryan we run in the same friend group. He's looking for a supplier for caneryville"
" yeah man, my last guy got busted and went to jail so I'm out of products. Though my customers still want to buy"
" you got the money?" He asks.
I pat the bag in my hand and he opens the duffle bag he's holding and shows me the product. We  are the exchange and then the team rolls up and cuffs him. As Jay cuffs him the radios go away and all you can hear is Burgess and a gun shot. I pick up the radio closest to me and ask if she's okay. There's so many other messages at the same time. It feels like forever when Vanessa when radios that the suspect is in custody. Still no word on Kim, Voight nods and I know what he means. I pull my phone out and call Kim. She answers right away and says she's okay. After we hang up I relay that to the rest of the team as we finish up working the scene. Right before we leave Voight gets a phone call and quickly speeds off without saying a word. Jay, Hailey and I all just stare at each other wondering what that is all about. We shrug and head back to the district with Wendy.

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