Chapter 1

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(Y/N): Your Name
I sat in my classroom watching announcements on the tv screen hanging on the wall. My old school never had anything like this, so my attention was completely soaked up. Everyone was talking throughout the announcement about the lunch menu and the game times after school.

     "And now for a special announcement—" The blonde girl on screen was cut off by the boy sitting next to her.

     "Mr. Blanch was rescued by Spider-Man during a mugging last night!" He exclaimed excitedly. "And it's on tape! That's so sick!"

The entire classroom began to stare at the screen, in awe as a person in red began to shoot down men with strange things from his hands.

     "Spider-Man?" I mumbled. "Who's that?"

     "Oh yeah, its your first day." I turned my head to face the guy sitting next to me. "You know about the Avengers right?"

I nodded. Who on earth didn't know about the avengers at this point?

      "Well he's basically gonna be an avenger soon." The boy said in pride. "He used to just be a guy that went around helping people out in a sweater but then Tony Stark heard about him and hired him!"


     "Yeah, big woah."

     "Ned! Will you please stop talking." The teacher snapped. He sighed and turned back to face the board. I watched Spider-Man swing away on the tv as the teacher turned it off. "Now everyone take out your assignments from yesterday."
I walked through the cafeteria clutching my tray of gloppy food looking for a place to sit. Every space I could find was either saved or definitely not for me. The only place I could find was an empty table in the corner of the room. I sat down and stared at my food before grabbing the apple and chucking the rest aside.

     "Hey, (Y/N)! You remembered!"

I looked up and saw Peter from earlier today with Ned walking towards me.

I widened my eyes. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys—"

     "No no don't worry. I said the seats around me were always open." Peter said smiling taking a seat next to me.

I smiled back and bit into my apple. There was an awkward silence while I chewed and I immediately knew it was my fault for intruding.

     "So, uh, our teacher was saved by Spider-Man. That's cool." I said.

     "Oh yeah haha Spider-Man." Peter said blushing. "He's pretty awesome."

I giggled. "Someone's a Spider-Man fan."

Ned stifled a laugh and we both looked at him. His grin fell. "Uh well, yeah he's super cool."

     "Well it's the only part about New York I actually know anything about." I sighed. "I've never been here before and you'd think I'd look around the busiest city in the world."

     "Why don't you?" Asked Peter.

I shook my head. "No one to do it with."

     "We can go with you." Ned offered. I looked at him.

     "Really?" I asked excitedly. Peter widened his eyes and Ned nodded. "Sure. It's no big deal, right Peter?"

Peter's eyes remained wide as he nodded. "Well yeah, no big deal. We can go tomorrow, it's Saturday."

I smiled. "Don't feel like you have to do this. I appreciate the offer but if you're just pitying me—"

     "No! No pity." Peter laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. I frowned confused and Ned raised an eyebrow.

     "We'd be glad to go with you." Ned interrupted. I smiled.

     "Thanks, sounds like fun!"

We exchanged numbers and planned to meet tomorrow at 1 at Peter's apartment.
I walked into the subway after school. It was my first time, seeing as the social worker dropped me off at school. The system provided subway passes since my new foster dad was always working.

Still, the subway was scary and New York was so big and I was alone. It was only inevitable I'd find myself walking into the wrong train.

     "Now leaving Midtown. Destination, Queens."

     "Queens?!" I cried, running for the door. It shut and I banged myself against it as the train began to whip away. I groaned and sat down. Queens it is, then.

Many wrong train stops and an awkward phone call to my foster dad later I found myself sitting down on a bench outside a bank. I was about ready to give up and try to hail a cab or something when I turned around and saw people in the bank. I checked my phone. It was after 6, why were there people at the bank?

     "Maybe they can help me." I said to myself walking to the doors. Despite the closed sign I opened it and the men in black rummaging around froze and all faced me.

     "Um, hi? I'm lost and—"

     "The sign says closed." One of the men growled. I gulped.

      "Yeah but I saw you guys in here and I just need help getting to Upper East 82nd Street?" I widened my eyes as the biggest of the group stomped up to me, gun in hand. "I got lost on the subway..." I squeaked.

     "Upper East Manhattan.... You got money, do you?"  He asked.

I let out a weak chuckle and walked backwards towards the door. "You know what? I'll get a cab, pretend I was never here. But I really appreciate the—"

My back hit something sturdy, and I looked up and back to see another man standing in my way.

      ".... help."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now