Chapter 4

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(Y/N): Your Name
(F/A): Favorite Animal
(F/C): Favorite Color
(S/A/N): Stuffed animal's Name
Central Park was absolutely beautiful, despite the lack of sun. We sat on a bench across from a fountain, watching the water flow in a pond behind it.

     "So, you guys will never guess what happened to me yesterday." I said.

"What's that?"

"I was the captive in the Queen's bank robbery." I sighed. "Dumb subway."

"What?!" Ned looked at me, then back at Peter who now looked like a deer in headlights.

      "Yeah...?" I said confused. "Is something wrong?"

"I just, well you see... I heard about the robbery but I hadn't heard about you." Ned explained, a look of confusion plastered on his face and he stared right at Peter. "You weren't mentioned anywhere at all."

I nodded. He must have meant on the news, of course. "Yeah I left before the police got there. They had a gun against my head and the guy said he was gonna sell me."

"And how did you get out?"

"Spider-Man saved me." I smiled blushing.

Ned laughed. "Woah, your first day in New York and you've already been part of a robbery and saved by Spider-Man."

"He even took me home." I added. "He's so sweet."

"Sweet?" Peter asked flustered. "Like, candy sweet? Did he smell sweet? Did he smell?"

"I meant sweet like kindness and adorableness." I giggled. "Well as sweet as you can be carrying a teenage girl thats terrified of being flung in the air."

"It sounds like you might have a thing for Spider-Man?" Ned smirked, elbowing me.

I rolled my eyes. "I adore him. And I would like to talk to him again because I didn't get to thank him."

"You wanna talk to Spider-Man?" Ned asked with a sneaky tone. "Well I'm sure Peter—"

Peter suddenly stood up, his hands clapped together and interrupting Ned. "Hey guys let's go to the museum! The natural history museum. That'll be fun."

"Can you even afford the mu—?"

"Oh my foster dad gave me money!" I jumped up excitedly. "I can pay!"

We both looked at Ned, who glanced at Peter then back at me. "Welllll I have to go. My curfew."

Peter's mouth gaped open slightly as Ned patted his back with a mischievous smirk. "But you'll still have (Y/N)! You're gonna have the best time."

"So, Peter," I looked at him, hoping to make conversation. "Do you like history?"

His lips tugged at a smile. "Yeah... Warfare was my favorite which led to me reading about the Battle of New York which got me to the Avengers... I'm kind of a nerd."

I giggled, looking around the lobby. "I've never been here before, have you?"

"Yeah." Peter looked around. "I really like the animal exhibit."

"I love (F/A)." I admitted. "But I've never seen them in real life. Just dreamt about adopting all of them."

Peter laughed. "I think they're in the main hall don't worry. We can look at them there together and maybe steal a couple."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now