Chapter 13

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(Y/N): Your Name

We walked back to my house, Peter on very high alert. I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

"Peter," I said carefully, "is everything ok?"

"Yeah, yes absolutely. Everything is peachy keen." Peter nodded, his jaw locked. "The plumbing man was gonna be there soon, ya know and we couldn't be there while he was."

I nodded. "Ok."

We continued walking, into my building, past Sophia, up the elevator, down the hall and finally into the penthouse.

"So do you have any homework?" Peter asked.

I groaned. "Just (worst subject in school). If I don't do this stupid assignment my grade is gonna drop, but I really can't seem to figure it out. I think I'm gonna slightly burn a piece of paper and say I got stuck in a fire on the way to school."

Peter snickered. "I can help you, I passed that class early. That way you won't have to possibly cause a house fire."

"Are you sure?" My voice squeaked. "I've always wanted to try arson."

"Aand were going to your room now." Peter said, grabbing an extra chair and my wrist as I begrudgingly let him drag me down the hall.
"See? It's not so bad." Peter said, leaning over my shoulder to look at the paper.

I smiled. "Huh, I guess you're right. I still hate (worse subject in school)."

I turned to face him and realized we were very close to each other. I blushed and turned away.

"Well that's just more of an excuse for me to come help you with it." Peter suggested, leaning back in his seat.

     "Well if you really are coming every day we can put it to good use now." I decided.

"Oh no, I don't wanna just be your makeshift tutor." He pouted. "I can be fun too."

     "Oh? And what's your idea of fun Parker?" I raised an eyebrow.

He shifted in his seat and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "Well... I.... Video games?"

I giggled. "I like video games. I need to stop by the store at some point to get some, actually."

     "I wanna come!" He scrambled to his feet.

     "We'll go tomorrow then." I said with a smile.

A loud boom blasted through my open window, shaking my building. Peter jumped and stood quickly, his arm holding me behind him. Sirens wailed by and we saw smoke come from a building some streets away.

"Oh my... what happened?" I thought out loud while running to the living room with Peter in tow. I quickly turned on the news to see what had happened.

"A bombing and break in at Zales Jewelry has now turned into a hostage situation."

My mouth gaped open. "Peter can you believe this?!"

"Uh, yeah that's absolutely crazy." Peter said. I couldn't help but notice him start to frantically look around. "Listen, I—"

I heard the front door close and I turned around to see Dr. Hawkins at the door. "Dr. Hawkins, you gotta see this."

"I saw it from the lobby downstairs with Sophia." He said, joining me on the couch. "Hello, Peter. You look awfully nervous."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now