Chapter 8

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(Y/N): Your Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
(S/A/N): Stuffed Animal Name
     "So Spider-Man knows where you live?"

I was sitting in front of Ned and Peter at the cafeteria the next day telling them everything that had happened.

     "Yes!" I grinned. "And he gave back (s/a/n) and he said he could never forget me and we hugged!"

Ned widened his eyes. "He must really like you."

"I know right! Peter, he says hi." I said smiling.

"To me? Specifically?" Peter asked.

"Well ok I said I was gonna tell you he said hi and he let me." I explained. "What if he wants to come see me again?"

"Well hold on (y/n). He's pretty busy saving the city, so I just don't want you to be bummed if he doesn't come back to see you again." Ned bit his lip.

I sighed. "Yeah you're right. Gotta keep my hopes down."

Peter frowned when I quieted down and began to eat my food. "But he seems to like you, what if he does come back."

"Peterrr." I giggled. "Don't let me get excited over nothing."

"I'm serious." Peter smirked. "What if he came back to see you."

I blushed, both from Peter's adorable smirk that he thought made him look mischievous and from the idea that Spider-Man could return. "I'd be really happy."

"But," Ned interrupted. "Spider-Man probably won't, right?." He looked at Peter.

"He might." Peter squeaked meakly.

Ned shook his head. "As long as he's careful."

"What are you nerds talking about?"

I scowled as Ryan walked up to our table, a couple of friends behind him and a lunch tray in his hands.

"Spider-Man went to (y/n)'s house last night and flirted with her!" Ned bragged. "He's super into her."


"Oh, so I see. Getting some action already, aren't you (Y/N)?"

My face grew red. "I never said he—"

"Speaking of action..."

Ryan put his tray down in front of me, his arms leaning against the table so that I could feel his breath against my neck. "You know I've always found you attractive... what do you say?"

Peter's fists clenched as Ryan only got closer. "I can get you a way better reputation as my girlfriend than with these losers." My eyes widened when I felt his lips against my skin.

"Hey back off!" Peter cried, springing to his feet. The cafeteria fell silent.

"Or what?" Ryan snapped back, another devilish smirk on his face as he put his hands on my shoulders. "You're gonna do something about it? I'd like to see you try."

I saw Peter glare intensely. I reached out for his hand, seemingly bringing him back to reality.

"Don't worry Peter. He's all bark." I said before pulling him back down. Peter relaxed and looked down at the table as I stood up and turned back to face Ryan. "And as for you, go find some other girl who's desperate enough to get with you."

Ryan stepped back, reaching for the milk off his tray. "Suit yourself." He shrugged before pouring the milk down my head.

I gasped, my hair now dripping with slightly expired milk. Ryan laughed and high fived his friends before walking away. Peter and Ned immediately grabbed napkins.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now